The term you select here will redirect to this record.
academic disciplines
academic education
action campaigns
action committees
administrative assistants
administrative law
administrative occupations
adoptive parents
adult education
adventure stories
advertising campaigns
affirmative action
african cultures
african religions
afro-latin americans
age discrimination
age groups
age of consent
agricultural occupations
AIDS activists
AIDS awareness
AIDS education
AIDS information centres
AIDS organisations
AIDS periodicals
AIDS phobia
air force
airline personnel
alternative medicine
alternative punishments
american cultures
anal cancer
anal intercourse
anal sex
animal sexual behaviour
animated film
anonymous complaints
anonymous sex
anorexia nervosa
anti-discrimination law
anti-gay violence
anti-lesbian violence
anti-transgender violence
aquatic sports
arranged marriage
art galleries
art history
art movements
artificial insemination
arts and entertainment occupations
asian cultures
asian religions
asian studies
assigned gender
asylum migration
audiovisual media
autism spectrum disorders
autoerotic asphyxiation
aversion therapy
ball games
ballroom dancing
baptist church
battering of women
BDSM community
beat generation
beauty standards
behavioural therapy
being in love
benevolent societies
bereaved people
bi movement
bigender people
biological evolution
biological parenthood
bipolar disorder
birth certificate amendments
birth parents
bisexual boys
bisexual characters
bisexual community
bisexual couples
bisexual daughters
bisexual families
bisexual girls
bisexual identity
bisexual information centres
bisexual men
bisexual parents
bisexual publishers
bisexual rights
bisexual sons
bisexual studies
bisexual women
bisexual youth
black people
black studies
blind people
blood banks
blood donors
blood transfusions
boarding schools
body adornments
body building
body care
body image
body language
body parts
body politics
book censorship
book clubs
borderline personality disorder
boy bands
boys' friendships
brain research
brain surgery
breast cancer
breastfeeding rights
broadcasting networks
buddy care
budget cuts
bulimia nervosa
bull fights
burial ceremonies
burn out
bus drivers
business people
butch femme relationships
canon law
caravan dwellers
card games
career choice
career development
casual sex
categorial care
cervical cancer
challenged books
change of name
chat rooms
child abuse
child custody
child pornography
child prostitutes
child prostitution
child support
child welfare
children of bisexuals
children of gay men
children of transgender people
children's help lines
children's homes
children's rights
children's sexuality
choir boys
christian democracy
chronic fatigue syndrome
church councils
citizenship education
city walks
civil disobedience
civil law
civil rights
civil servants
civil unions
civil wars
class struggle
classical music
classification of diseases
classification systems
closeted gay men
closeted lesbians
code of advertising practices
coercive measures
cohort studies
cold war
collection development
collective labour agreements
combination therapy
comic strips
coming out
commemorations of the dead
commemorative plaques
communication studies
community centres
company doctors
computer industry
concentration camps
conflict management
conscientious objection
constitutional rights
construction workers
consultancy agencies
consumer behaviour
coping behaviour
corrective rape
council of europe
council of state
country and western music
couples therapy
credit cards
crimes against humanity
criminal law
crisis centres
cross-cultural relationships
cultural diversity
cultural movements
cultural studies
cycling clubs
dancing schools
dark rooms
dating agencies
dating shows
dating websites
daughters of gay men
daughters of lesbians
children of lesbians
day care
day release courses
deaf people
death and dying
death notices
death penalty
death squads
defamation campaigns
defence mechanisms
dental dams
desire to have children
detention under a hospital order
developing countries
development cooperation
developmental disabilities
direct action
disability insurance
disability studies
disc jockeys
disease progression
dismissal of employees
divorced people
dolls' technique
domestic partnership contracts
domestic partnership retirement benefits
domestic partnerships
dot-com companies
drag balls
drag community
drag kings
drag queens
drug abuse
drug users
dutch reformed church
Eastern orthodox churches
easy listening music
eating disorders
economic crises
economic developments
economic exploitation
economic self-reliance
education studies
educational institutions
educational materials
educational occupations
ego-dystonic sexual orientation
electronic games
electroshock therapy
employment discrimination
employment policies
employment suspension
enforced exile
equestrian sports
erectile dysfunction
erection pills
erotic literature
escort services
ethnic diversity
ethnic groups
ethnic relations
ethnic studies
european commission
european convention on human rights
european court of human rights
european court of justice
european cultures
european parliament
european union
ex-gay movement
exotic dancers
extramarital children
fag hags
fairy tales
family members
family planning
family practitioners
family therapy
fashion designers
fashion dolls
fathers of gay men
fathers of lesbians
fear of death
female circumcision
female pedophilia
female prostitutes
female prostitution
feminist theology
femmes fatales
figure skating
film censorship
film industry
film studies
fin de siècle
financial institutions
fire brigades
fire fighters
first wave feminism
folk culture
folk music
food industry
foreskin restoration
foster children
foster families
foster parents
freedom rings
french revolution
funeral rites
gambling addiction
gay and lesbian youth
gay archives
gay bookshops
gay boys
gay characters
gay clergy
gay community
gay community centres
gay culture
gay families
gay games
gay identity
gay information centres
gay liberation
gay libraries
gay male couples
gay men
gay men's choirs
gay movement
gay museums
gay parents
gay political groups
gay press
gay pride
gay pride week
gay publishers
gay radio
gay religious groups
gay rights
gay sensibility
gay slang
gay sons
gay sports clubs
gay studies
gay television
gay theatre
gay theatre groups
gay theology
gay trade union groups
gay-straight alliances
gender bending
gender diversity
gender dysphoria
gender fluid
gender identity
gender minorities
gender realignment surgery
gender relations
gender role
gender segregation in labour
gender studies
gender swapping
genetic engineering
genital ulcers
genital warts
girls' friendships
girls' studies
goddess movement
gothic novels
graphic art
graphic novels
group homes
group leaders
group sex
group therapy
guest houses
gynaecologic disorders
handkerchief codes
hard drugs
hate crimes
hate groups
hate speech
heads of state
health advice centres
health care
health care centres
health education
health insurance
health sciences
hearing impairments
help lines
heterosexual boys
heterosexual feminism
heterosexual girls
heterosexual identity
heterosexual marriage
heterosexual men
heterosexual women
heterosexual youth
higher education
hip hop music
historical literature
historical periods
HIV tests
HIV-negative people
HIV-positive people
home care
homeless people
honour killings
hormone therapy
hospitality industry
house music
household work
housing associations
housing for older people
human geography
human papilloma virus
human reproduction
human rights
human rights organisations
illegal residents
image hosting websites
immigration detention centres
immigration law
immigration policy
in vitro fertilisation
incest victims
indigenous peoples
information centres
information services
information society
inheritance law
institutional care facilities
insurance companies
intellectual freedom
intergenerational relationships
interior design
internalised homophobia
international law
international organisations
international relations
internet forums
intersex movement
intersex people
intersex rights
intimate partner violence
jehovah's witnesses
job applications
job placement
justice department
juvenile detention centres
juvenile law
kaposi's sarcoma
labour law
labour movement
landscape architecture
latent homosexuality
latin american cultures
latino studies
lay movement
lay people
learning difficulties
leather community
legal advice centres
legal aid
legal name
legal occupations
legal process
legal status
legal studies
leisure activities
lesbian archives
lesbian bookshops
lesbian characters
lesbian choirs
lesbian clergy
lesbian community
lesbian community centres
lesbian couples
lesbian culture
lesbian daughters
lesbian families
lesbian feminism
lesbian girls
lesbian identity
lesbian information centres
lesbian land
lesbian libraries
lesbian movement
lesbian museums
lesbian nation
lesbian parents
lesbian political groups
lesbian press
lesbian prostitutes
lesbian prostitution
lesbian publishers
lesbian radio
lesbian religious groups
lesbian rights
lesbian sensibility
lesbian separatism
lesbian slang
lesbian sports clubs
lesbian studies
lesbian television
lesbian theatre
lesbian theatre groups
lesbian theology
lesbian trade union groups
lesbian-gay relations
letters to the editor
LGBTI community
LGBTI movement
LGBTI rights
LGBTI rights policy
liberation movements
liberation theology
life insurance
life stories
literary awards
literary criticism
literary salons
literary theory
literature review
living arrangements
living collectives
local government
local radio
local television
longitudinal studies
lorry drivers
love triangles
mail order companies
male bonding
male circumcision
male prostitutes
male prostitution
manual sex
mardi gras
marital status
maritime occupations
marketing and sales occupations
marriage law
married people
martial arts
mass communication
mass media
media occupations
medical disorders
medical examinations
medical interventions
mediterranean cultures
meeting places
men in traditionally female-dominated occupations
men who have sex with men
men's friendships
men’s information centres
men's magazines
men's movement
men's organisations
men's studies
mental disorders
mental exercise
mental health
mental health care
metropolitan community church
middle age
middle class
military occupations
military police
military service
military service physical examinations
mixed-orientation marriage
mood disorders
moral rearmament
moral theology
moravian church
mothers of gay men
mothers of lesbians
motorcycle clubs
mud sex
multiple personality disorder
municipal by-laws
music groups
music industry
music videos
musical theatre
mutual masturbation
mystery and detective fiction
national government
native american cultures
native american religions
native american studies
native americans
natural insemination
natural sciences
neurotic disorders
new age movement
new testament
news magazines
newspaper columns
night life
nipple play
nonviolent resistance
north american cultures
nude beaches
nude photographs
nursing homes
occupational bans
criminal occupations
occupations in health care and social care
oedipus complex
old age
old catholic church
old cultures
old testament
older bisexuals
older gay men
older lesbians
older people
older people's organisations
older transgender people
olympic games
ombuds services
online care
online dating
online games
opinion polls
oral history
oral sex
organ donors
organisations for sexual research and sexual reform
organization of american states
overweight people
pacific islander cultures
parental authority
parental leave
parental rights
parents of bisexuals
parents of crossdressers
parents of gay men
parents of lesbians
parents of pedophiles
parents of transgender people
parents’ organisations
parking lots
partner notification
partner preference
partner rights
partners of bisexuals
partners of gay men
partners of lesbians
partners of transgender people
party drugs
party games
passive immune therapy
pastoral care
patient support groups
peace movement
pedagogical eros
pedophile movement
pedophile periodicals
peep shows
penile plethysmography
pension funds
pension survivors benefits
people with developmental disabilities
people with disabilities
people with hearing impairments
people with physical disabilities
people with visual disabilities
performing arts
persecution of gay men
persecution of lesbians
persecution of transgender people
personal and family law
personal characteristics
personal papers
personality disorders
personnel management
personnel screening
phallic sex
pharmaceutical industry
phases of life
philosophies of life
philosophy of science
phone sex
phone sex workers
photo books
photo magazines
photographic models
physical affection
physical characteristics
physical disabilities
physical disorders
physical education
physical fitness
physical health
physical health care
physical therapy
physical violence
pink triangles
plastic surgery
platonic love
play therapy dolls
police raids
police entrapment
police officers
political correctness
political movements
political occupations
political parties
political science
political systems
poop sex
pop art
pop groups
pop music
popular culture
popular fiction
porn films
porn industry
porn magazines
porn stars
postage stamps
postal services
primary education
prison guards
prisoners of conscience
probation and after-care service
professional associations
prosecution policy
prostate cancer
prostitutes' clients
protection of personal data
protestant church in the netherlands
provision of information
provo movement
psychiatric institutions
psychological characteristics
psychological processes
psychological tests
psychological violence
psychosocial care
psychotic disorders
puberty blockers
public assistance regulations
public opinion
public relations
public safety
public services
public sex
public space
public transport
public worship
puppet theatre
quality of life
queen's day
queer theory
radical feminism
radical therapy
radio programmes
rainbow flags
rajneesh movement
rap music
rape victims
recreation areas
recreational drug use
red ribbons
reference sources
reformatory schools
reformed churches in the netherlands
refugee centres
regional government
relationship satisfaction
religious music
religious orders
religious organisations
religious right
religious society of friends
religious studies
religious texts
remonstrant brotherhood
reporting points
research methods
residence permits
resistance movements
retirement benefits
retirement homes
retrieval systems
return migration
right to die
right to vote
right wing extremism
risk behaviours
ritual homosexuality
rock music
role models
role behaviour
roman catholicism
romantic friendships
rubber sex
rural areas
rural women
russian revolution
safer sex
safer sex parties
salvation army
same-sex marriage
school dropouts
school television
schools for LGBT youth
science fiction
second wave feminism
secondary education
secret service
security risks
serial killers
serial killings
serodiscordant couples
service occupations
sex accessories
sex cinemas
sex clubs
sex education
sex industry
sex locations
sex parties
sex scandals
sex shops
sex therapy
sex tourism
sex workers
sexual abstinence
sexual abuse
sexual addiction
sexual assault
sexual behaviour change
sexual child abuse
sexual diversity
sexual dysfunction
sexual excitement
sexual harassment
sexual health
sexual identity
sexual minorities
sexual offences laws
sexual orientation
sexual practices
sexual reform
sexual relationships
sexual reorientation
sexual revolution
sexual roles
sexual sterilisation
sexual violence
sexually abused children
sign language
single fathers
single mothers
single parent families
single parents
single people
situational sexual behavior
SM movement
social activities clubs
social and behavioural sciences
social bookmarking
social care
social classes
social constructionism
social control
social democracy
social exclusion
social integration
social law
social media
social movements
social networking websites
social networks
social norms
social parenthood
social processes
social security regulations
social service organisations
social work
social workers
sociocultural education
sociocultural education centres
sociocultural evolution
socioeconomic characteristics
sodomy laws
soft drugs
sons of gay men
sons of lesbians
special education
sperm banks
sperm donors
sporting events
sports clubs
sports organisations
squatters movement
step families
step parents
stonewall riots
street names
street theatre
street violence
students' clubs
study days
substance abuse
summer camps
support groups
support liability
supreme court
surrogate mothers
swimming pools
talk shows
taxi drivers
teaching materials
technical education
television programmes
television series
terminal care
testicular cancer
textile art
thai boxing
theatre groups
theatre shows
theatre studies
third gender
tobacco industry
torch songs
tour operators
town and country planning
track and field
trade exhibitions
trade journals
trade unions
trades and industrial occupations
traditional medicine
training programs
transgender archives
transgender characters
transgender children
transgender community
transgender couples
transgender culture
transgender daughters
transgender families
transgender identity
transgender information centres
transgender libraries
transgender movement
transgender parents
transgender people
transgender prostitutes
transgender prostitution
transgender publishers
transgender rights
transgender slang
transgender sons
transgender studies
transgender youth
transport companies
transportation occupations
transsexual people
travel agencies
travel literature
travel guides
trigender people
two-spirit people
unemployment insurance
united church of canada
united nations
universal declaration of human rights
unmarried couples
unrequited love
upper class
vaginal photoplethysmograph
vaginal sex
verbal abuse
vice squad
victim advice counselors
victims of crime
victims of hate crimes
victims of sexual abuse
victims of war
victims' rights
video on demand
video sharing websites
visitation rights
visual arts
visual disabilities
vocational education
voice therapy
voluntary exile
voyages of exploration
walking clubs
water sports
web filtering software
welfare benefits
western cultures
white people
widowed people
winter sports
women in traditionally male-dominated occupations
women who have sex with women
women's archives
women's bars
women's bookshops
women's community centres
women's friendships
women's information centres
women's libraries
women's marriages
women's movement
women's music
women's music festivals
women's organisations
women's press
women's publishers
women's studies
work ethic
work situation
working class
world war I
world war II
youth care
youth centres
youth culture
youth for christ
youth hostels
youth literature
youth magazines
youth organisations
youth services
youth theatre
zoning plans
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[""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 12, pid: "homosaurus/terms/actors", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "actors", pref_label: "actors", pref_label_language: nil, description: "gender-neutral usage", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["players", "actresses"], alt_labels_language: ["players", "actresses"], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, 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narrower: ["", "", ""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 44, pid: "homosaurus/terms/ageOfConsent", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "ageOfConsent", pref_label: "age of consent", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 45, pid: "homosaurus/terms/ageism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "ageism", pref_label: "ageism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "discrimination against older people", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 46, pid: "homosaurus/terms/ageplay", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "ageplay", pref_label: "ageplay", pref_label_language: nil, description: "roleplaying, usually sexual, in which one adult ta...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["age play"], alt_labels_language: ["age play"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 47, pid: "homosaurus/terms/aggression", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "aggression", pref_label: "aggression", pref_label_language: nil, description: "use only for feelings of aggression", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], 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"terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 49, pid: "homosaurus/terms/AIDSActivists", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "AIDSActivists", pref_label: "AIDS activists", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 50, pid: "homosaurus/terms/AIDSAwareness", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "AIDSAwareness", pref_label: "AIDS awareness", pref_label_language: nil, 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vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 53, pid: "homosaurus/terms/AIDSOrganisations", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "AIDSOrganisations", pref_label: "AIDS organisations", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["AIDS organizations"], alt_labels_language: ["AIDS organizations"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 54, pid: "homosaurus/terms/AIDSPeriodicals", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", 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00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["fear of AIDS", "AIDSphobia"], alt_labels_language: ["fear of AIDS", "AIDSphobia"], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 56, pid: "homosaurus/terms/airForce", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "airForce", pref_label: "air force", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], 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[], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 60, pid: "homosaurus/terms/alimony", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "alimony", pref_label: "alimony", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, 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pid: "homosaurus/terms/animals", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "animals", pref_label: "animals", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 75, pid: "homosaurus/terms/animatedFilm", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "animatedFilm", pref_label: "animated film", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 76, pid: "homosaurus/terms/anonymousComplaints", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "anonymousComplaints", pref_label: "anonymous complaints", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], 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numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "anorexiaNervosa", pref_label: "anorexia nervosa", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 79, pid: "homosaurus/terms/anthologies", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "anthologies", pref_label: "anthologies", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", 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[], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 81, pid: "homosaurus/terms/anthroposophy", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "anthroposophy", pref_label: "anthroposophy", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 82, pid: "homosaurus/terms/anti-discriminationLaw", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: 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00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 84, pid: "homosaurus/terms/anti-feminism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "anti-feminism", pref_label: "anti-feminism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], 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[], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 89, pid: "homosaurus/terms/anti-transgenderViolence", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "anti-transgenderViolence", pref_label: "anti-transgender violence", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 90, pid: "homosaurus/terms/apartheid", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "apartheid", pref_label: "apartheid", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 91, pid: "homosaurus/terms/appearance", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "appearance", pref_label: "appearance", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", 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contributors: []>, #<Term id: 94, pid: "homosaurus/terms/ARC", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "ARC", pref_label: "ARC", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["AIDS related complex"], alt_labels_language: ["AIDS related complex"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 95, pid: "homosaurus/terms/archeology", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "archeology", pref_label: "archeology", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, 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id: 98, pid: "homosaurus/terms/archivists", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "archivists", pref_label: "archivists", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 99, pid: "homosaurus/terms/army", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "army", pref_label: "army", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", 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labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 104, pid: "homosaurus/terms/artHistory", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "artHistory", pref_label: "art history", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 105, pid: "homosaurus/terms/artMovements", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "artMovements", pref_label: "art movements", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 106, pid: "homosaurus/terms/artificialInsemination", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "artificialInsemination", pref_label: "artificial insemination", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["donor insemination"], alt_labels_language: ["donor insemination"], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 107, pid: "homosaurus/terms/artists", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "artists", pref_label: "artists", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 108, pid: "homosaurus/terms/arts", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "arts", pref_label: "arts", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], 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vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 110, pid: "homosaurus/terms/asceticism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "asceticism", pref_label: "asceticism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 111, pid: "homosaurus/terms/asexuality", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "asexuality", pref_label: "asexuality", pref_label_language: nil, description: "lack of sexual attraction to others or the lack of...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 112, pid: "homosaurus/terms/asianCultures", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "asianCultures", pref_label: "asian cultures", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["oriental cultures"], alt_labels_language: ["oriental cultures"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 113, pid: "homosaurus/terms/asianReligions", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "asianReligions", pref_label: "asian religions", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["oriental religions"], alt_labels_language: ["oriental religions"], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", ""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], 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"2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 121, pid: "homosaurus/terms/attitudes", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "attitudes", pref_label: "attitudes", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], 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contributors: []>, #<Term id: 123, pid: "homosaurus/terms/autismSpectrumDisorders", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "autismSpectrumDisorders", pref_label: "autism spectrum disorders", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["autism"], alt_labels_language: ["autism"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 124, pid: "homosaurus/terms/autobiographies", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "autobiographies", pref_label: "autobiographies", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["memoirs"], alt_labels_language: ["memoirs"], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 125, pid: "homosaurus/terms/autoeroticAsphyxiation", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "autoeroticAsphyxiation", pref_label: "autoerotic asphyxiation", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["hypoxyphilia", "strangulation sex", "asphyxiophilia", "autoerotic asphyxia"], alt_labels_language: ["hypoxyphilia", "strangulation sex", "asphyxiophilia", "autoerotic asphyxia"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 126, pid: "homosaurus/terms/autonomy", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "autonomy", pref_label: "autonomy", pref_label_language: nil, description: "the capacity of a rational individual to make an i...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["independence"], alt_labels_language: ["independence"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 127, pid: "homosaurus/terms/aversionTherapy", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "aversionTherapy", pref_label: "aversion therapy", pref_label_language: nil, description: "behavior modification therapy displacing pleasant ...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 128, pid: "homosaurus/terms/aviation", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "aviation", pref_label: "aviation", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 129, pid: "homosaurus/terms/awards", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "awards", pref_label: "awards", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, 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contributors: []>, #<Term id: 132, pid: "homosaurus/terms/ballet", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "ballet", pref_label: "ballet", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 133, pid: "homosaurus/terms/ballroomDancing", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "ballroomDancing", pref_label: "ballroom dancing", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 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"BDSM", pref_label: "BDSM", pref_label_language: nil, description: "an erotic preference and a form of personal relati...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", ""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 145, pid: "homosaurus/terms/BDSMCommunity", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "BDSMCommunity", pref_label: "BDSM community", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", 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"", identifier: "beatGeneration", pref_label: "beat generation", pref_label_language: nil, description: "writers and poets of the beat generation and their...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["beatniks"], alt_labels_language: ["beatniks"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 149, pid: "homosaurus/terms/beautyStandards", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "beautyStandards", pref_label: "beauty standards", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 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"2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["bereaved"], alt_labels_language: ["bereaved"], broader: [], narrower: ["", ""], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 154, pid: "homosaurus/terms/bereavement", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bereavement", pref_label: "bereavement", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 155, pid: "homosaurus/terms/biMovement", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "biMovement", pref_label: "bi movement", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["bisexual movement"], alt_labels_language: ["bisexual movement"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, 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[""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 159, pid: "homosaurus/terms/biographies", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "biographies", pref_label: "biographies", pref_label_language: nil, description: "biography", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 160, pid: "homosaurus/terms/biologicalEvolution", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "biologicalEvolution", pref_label: "biological evolution", pref_label_language: nil, description: "any change across successive generations in the he...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 161, pid: "homosaurus/terms/biologicalParenthood", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "biologicalParenthood", pref_label: 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[], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 169, pid: "homosaurus/terms/bisexualBoys", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bisexualBoys", pref_label: "bisexual boys", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 170, pid: "homosaurus/terms/bisexualCharacters", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bisexualCharacters", pref_label: "bisexual characters", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, 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sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 185, pid: "homosaurus/terms/bisexualYouth", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bisexualYouth", pref_label: "bisexual youth", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: ["", ""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 186, pid: "homosaurus/terms/bisexuality", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bisexuality", pref_label: "bisexuality", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, 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[], alt_labels: ["human body"], alt_labels_language: ["human body"], broader: [], narrower: [""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 203, pid: "homosaurus/terms/bodyAdornments", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bodyAdornments", pref_label: "body adornments", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["body decoration"], alt_labels_language: ["body decoration"], broader: [""], narrower: ["", ""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], 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"2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 207, pid: "homosaurus/terms/bodyLanguage", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bodyLanguage", pref_label: "body language", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], 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"", identifier: "bodyPolitics", pref_label: "body politics", pref_label_language: nil, description: "relates to societal control, through both policy a...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 210, pid: "homosaurus/terms/bondage", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bondage", pref_label: "bondage", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 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"terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 217, pid: "homosaurus/terms/boyBands", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "boyBands", pref_label: "boy bands", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 218, pid: "homosaurus/terms/boycotts", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "boycotts", pref_label: "boycotts", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: 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internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 260, pid: "homosaurus/terms/careerChoice", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "careerChoice", pref_label: "career choice", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 261, pid: "homosaurus/terms/careerDevelopment", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "careerDevelopment", pref_label: "career development", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: 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[], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 263, pid: "homosaurus/terms/cartoons", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "cartoons", pref_label: "cartoons", pref_label_language: nil, description: "satirical drawings of someone or something", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 264, pid: "homosaurus/terms/casting", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "casting", pref_label: "casting", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 265, pid: "homosaurus/terms/castration", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "castration", pref_label: "castration", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 266, pid: "homosaurus/terms/casualSex", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "casualSex", pref_label: "casual sex", pref_label_language: nil, description: "promiscuity", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], 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"homosaurus/terms/categorialCare", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "categorialCare", pref_label: "categorial care", pref_label_language: nil, description: "care aimed at specific groups, such as gay men, le...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 269, pid: "homosaurus/terms/celebrations", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "celebrations", pref_label: "celebrations", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: 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"2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 274, pid: "homosaurus/terms/centres", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "centres", pref_label: "centres", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["centers"], alt_labels_language: ["centers"], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], 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"challengedBooks", pref_label: "challenged books", pref_label_language: nil, description: "books whose removal from libraries has been formal...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 277, pid: "homosaurus/terms/changeOfName", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "changeOfName", pref_label: "change of name", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 278, pid: "homosaurus/terms/characters", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "characters", pref_label: "characters", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], 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pid: "homosaurus/terms/childProstitution", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "childProstitution", pref_label: "child prostitution", pref_label_language: nil, description: "up to approx. 15 yrs", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 285, pid: "homosaurus/terms/childSupport", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "childSupport", pref_label: "child support", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["child maintenance"], alt_labels_language: ["child maintenance"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 286, pid: "homosaurus/terms/childWelfare", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "childWelfare", pref_label: "child welfare", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: ["", ""], 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"homosaurus/terms/childhood", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "childhood", pref_label: "childhood", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 289, pid: "homosaurus/terms/children", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "children", pref_label: "children", pref_label_language: nil, description: "up to approx. 12 yrs", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 290, pid: "homosaurus/terms/childrenOfBisexuals", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "childrenOfBisexuals", pref_label: "children of bisexuals", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], 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nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 292, pid: "homosaurus/terms/childrenOfTransgenderPeople", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "childrenOfTransgenderPeople", pref_label: "children of transgender people", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 293, pid: "homosaurus/terms/childrensHelpLines", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "childrensHelpLines", pref_label: "children's help lines", pref_label_language: nil, 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[""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 295, pid: "homosaurus/terms/childrensRights", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "childrensRights", pref_label: "children's rights", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 296, pid: "homosaurus/terms/childrensSexuality", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "childrensSexuality", pref_label: "children's sexuality", pref_label_language: nil, description: "sexual behaviour of children", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 297, pid: "homosaurus/terms/chlamydia", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "chlamydia", pref_label: "chlamydia", pref_label_language: nil, description: 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[], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 299, pid: "homosaurus/terms/choirs", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "choirs", pref_label: "choirs", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", ""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 300, pid: "homosaurus/terms/choreographers", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "choreographers", pref_label: "choreographers", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 301, pid: "homosaurus/terms/christianDemocracy", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "christianDemocracy", pref_label: "christian democracy", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, 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["", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 303, pid: "homosaurus/terms/chromosomes", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "chromosomes", pref_label: "chromosomes", pref_label_language: nil, description: "organised structure of DNA and protein found in ce...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 304, pid: "homosaurus/terms/chronicFatigueSyndrome", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "chronicFatigueSyndrome", pref_label: "chronic fatigue syndrome", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["CFS", "CFIDS", "ME", "myalgic encephalomyelitis", "chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome"], alt_labels_language: ["CFS", "CFIDS", "ME", "myalgic encephalomyelitis", "chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: 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"", identifier: "cities", pref_label: "cities", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", ""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 310, pid: "homosaurus/terms/citizenshipEducation", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "citizenshipEducation", pref_label: "citizenship education", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", 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vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 316, pid: "homosaurus/terms/civilUnions", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "civilUnions", pref_label: "civil unions", pref_label_language: nil, description: "legally recognized forms of partnership similar to...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["registered partnership", "civil partnership"], alt_labels_language: ["registered partnership", "civil partnership"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 317, pid: "homosaurus/terms/civilWars", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "civilWars", pref_label: "civil wars", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 318, pid: "homosaurus/terms/classStruggle", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "classStruggle", pref_label: "class struggle", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 319, pid: "homosaurus/terms/classicalMusic", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "classicalMusic", pref_label: "classical music", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: 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id: 321, pid: "homosaurus/terms/classificationSystems", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "classificationSystems", pref_label: "classification systems", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["classification schemes"], alt_labels_language: ["classification schemes"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 322, pid: "homosaurus/terms/classism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "classism", pref_label: "classism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: 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"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 324, pid: "homosaurus/terms/clitoris", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "clitoris", pref_label: "clitoris", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 325, pid: "homosaurus/terms/closetedGayMen", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "closetedGayMen", pref_label: "closeted gay men", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 326, pid: "homosaurus/terms/closetedLesbians", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "closetedLesbians", pref_label: "closeted lesbians", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", 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341, pid: "homosaurus/terms/collectiveLabourAgreements", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "collectiveLabourAgreements", pref_label: "collective labour agreements", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 342, pid: "homosaurus/terms/colleges", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "colleges", pref_label: "colleges", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, 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[], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 345, pid: "homosaurus/terms/comicStrips", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "comicStrips", pref_label: "comic strips", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 346, pid: "homosaurus/terms/comingOut", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "comingOut", pref_label: "coming out", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 347, pid: "homosaurus/terms/commemorationsOfTheDead", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "commemorationsOfTheDead", pref_label: "commemorations of the dead", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 348, pid: "homosaurus/terms/commemorativePlaques", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "commemorativePlaques", pref_label: "commemorative plaques", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 349, pid: "homosaurus/terms/commercialism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "commercialism", pref_label: "commercialism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "tendency within open-market capitalism to turn eve...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 350, pid: "homosaurus/terms/communes", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "communes", pref_label: "communes", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", 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sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 353, pid: "homosaurus/terms/communism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "communism", pref_label: "communism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 354, pid: "homosaurus/terms/communities", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "communities", pref_label: "communities", pref_label_language: nil, description: "a group of interacting people, living in some prox...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", ""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 355, pid: "homosaurus/terms/communityCentres", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "communityCentres", pref_label: "community centres", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", ""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 356, pid: "homosaurus/terms/companyDoctors", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "companyDoctors", pref_label: "company doctors", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 357, pid: "homosaurus/terms/compartmentalisation", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "compartmentalisation", pref_label: "compartmentalisation", pref_label_language: nil, description: "denominational segregation along socio-political l...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["compartmentalization"], alt_labels_language: ["compartmentalization"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 358, pid: "homosaurus/terms/competitions", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: 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"2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 360, pid: "homosaurus/terms/computerIndustry", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "computerIndustry", pref_label: "computer industry", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], 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["prophylactics", "rubbers"], alt_labels_language: ["prophylactics", "rubbers"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 364, pid: "homosaurus/terms/conductors", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "conductors", pref_label: "conductors", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], 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"homosaurus/terms/conservatism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "conservatism", pref_label: "conservatism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 371, pid: "homosaurus/terms/constitution", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "constitution", pref_label: "constitution", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 372, pid: "homosaurus/terms/constitutionalRights", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "constitutionalRights", pref_label: "constitutional rights", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: 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"homosaurus/terms/consultancyAgencies", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "consultancyAgencies", pref_label: "consultancy agencies", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["consulting firms"], alt_labels_language: ["consulting firms"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 375, pid: "homosaurus/terms/consumerBehaviour", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "consumerBehaviour", pref_label: "consumer behaviour", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, 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sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 378, pid: "homosaurus/terms/cooks", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "cooks", pref_label: "cooks", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 379, pid: "homosaurus/terms/copingBehaviour", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "copingBehaviour", pref_label: "coping behaviour", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 380, pid: "homosaurus/terms/copyright", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "copyright", pref_label: "copyright", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], 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"homosaurus/terms/corruption", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "corruption", pref_label: "corruption", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 383, pid: "homosaurus/terms/cottages", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "cottages", pref_label: "cottages", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["urinals", "public urinals", "tearooms"], alt_labels_language: ["urinals", "public urinals", "tearooms"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 384, pid: "homosaurus/terms/councilOfEurope", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "councilOfEurope", pref_label: "council of europe", pref_label_language: nil, description: "international organisation promoting co-operation ...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], 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sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 386, pid: "homosaurus/terms/counseling", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "counseling", pref_label: "counseling", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 387, pid: "homosaurus/terms/counterculture", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "counterculture", pref_label: "counterculture", pref_label_language: nil, description: "anti-bourgeois cultural and political radicalism", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 388, pid: "homosaurus/terms/countryAndWesternMusic", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "countryAndWesternMusic", pref_label: "country and western music", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 389, pid: "homosaurus/terms/couples", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "couples", pref_label: "couples", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 390, pid: "homosaurus/terms/couplesTherapy", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "couplesTherapy", pref_label: "couples therapy", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 391, pid: "homosaurus/terms/courts", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "courts", pref_label: "courts", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", 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pid: "homosaurus/terms/craving", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "craving", pref_label: "craving", pref_label_language: nil, description: "intense sense of longing for a person or situation", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 395, pid: "homosaurus/terms/creativity", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "creativity", pref_label: "creativity", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 396, pid: "homosaurus/terms/creditCards", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "creditCards", pref_label: "credit cards", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], 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"cross-culturalRelationships", pref_label: "cross-cultural relationships", pref_label_language: nil, description: "relationships between persons from different ethni...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["intercultural relationships", "interracial relationships"], alt_labels_language: ["intercultural relationships", "interracial relationships"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 404, pid: "homosaurus/terms/crossdressers", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "crossdressers", pref_label: "crossdressers", pref_label_language: nil, 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[], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 407, pid: "homosaurus/terms/cruising", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "cruising", pref_label: "cruising", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 408, pid: "homosaurus/terms/culturalDiversity", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "culturalDiversity", pref_label: "cultural diversity", pref_label_language: nil, description: "diversity of cultural experience and expression of...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 409, pid: "homosaurus/terms/culturalMovements", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "culturalMovements", pref_label: "cultural movements", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 410, pid: "homosaurus/terms/culturalStudies", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "culturalStudies", pref_label: "cultural studies", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], 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412, pid: "homosaurus/terms/cultures", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "cultures", pref_label: "cultures", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 413, pid: "homosaurus/terms/cunnilingus", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "cunnilingus", pref_label: "cunnilingus", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["eating pussy", "cunt licking"], alt_labels_language: ["eating pussy", "cunt licking"], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 414, pid: "homosaurus/terms/customs", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "customs", pref_label: "customs", pref_label_language: nil, description: "authority or agency in a country responsible for c...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 415, pid: "homosaurus/terms/cyberbullying", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "cyberbullying", pref_label: "cyberbullying", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 416, pid: "homosaurus/terms/cybersex", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "cybersex", pref_label: "cybersex", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["internet sex", "online sex", "computer sex"], alt_labels_language: ["internet sex", "online sex", "computer sex"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 417, pid: "homosaurus/terms/cyberstalking", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "cyberstalking", pref_label: "cyberstalking", 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"terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 420, pid: "homosaurus/terms/dadaism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "dadaism", pref_label: "dadaism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 421, pid: "homosaurus/terms/damages", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "damages", pref_label: "damages", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", 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[], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 427, pid: "homosaurus/terms/dating", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "dating", pref_label: "dating", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 428, pid: "homosaurus/terms/datingAgencies", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "datingAgencies", pref_label: "dating agencies", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 429, pid: "homosaurus/terms/datingShows", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "datingShows", pref_label: "dating shows", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 430, pid: "homosaurus/terms/datingWebsites", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "datingWebsites", pref_label: "dating websites", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], 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"daughtersOfGayMen", pref_label: "daughters of gay men", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 433, pid: "homosaurus/terms/daughtersOfLesbians", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "daughtersOfLesbians", pref_label: "daughters of lesbians", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", 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alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 439, pid: "homosaurus/terms/deathAndDying", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "deathAndDying", pref_label: "death and dying", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 440, pid: "homosaurus/terms/deathNotices", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "deathNotices", pref_label: "death notices", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["death announcements"], alt_labels_language: ["death announcements"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 441, pid: "homosaurus/terms/deathPenalty", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "deathPenalty", pref_label: "death penalty", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["capital punishment"], alt_labels_language: ["capital punishment"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 442, pid: "homosaurus/terms/deathSquads", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "deathSquads", pref_label: "death squads", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", 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identifier: "decadentism", pref_label: "decadentism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "a late 19th century artistic and literary movement...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 446, pid: "homosaurus/terms/deconstruction", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "deconstruction", pref_label: "deconstruction", pref_label_language: nil, description: "form of semiotic analysis, derived mainly from wor...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, 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nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 449, pid: "homosaurus/terms/defenceMechanisms", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "defenceMechanisms", pref_label: "defence mechanisms", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["defense mechanisms"], alt_labels_language: ["defense mechanisms"], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", ""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 450, pid: "homosaurus/terms/definitions", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "definitions", pref_label: "definitions", pref_label_language: 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[""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 452, pid: "homosaurus/terms/democracy", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "democracy", pref_label: "democracy", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 453, pid: "homosaurus/terms/demography", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "demography", pref_label: "demography", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 454, pid: "homosaurus/terms/demographics", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "demographics", pref_label: "demographics", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 455, pid: "homosaurus/terms/demonstrations", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "demonstrations", pref_label: "demonstrations", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["rallies", "political marches", "protests"], alt_labels_language: ["rallies", "political marches", "protests"], 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contributors: []>, #<Term id: 457, pid: "homosaurus/terms/dentalDams", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "dentalDams", pref_label: "dental dams", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["latex barriers"], alt_labels_language: ["latex barriers"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 458, pid: "homosaurus/terms/dentists", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "dentists", pref_label: "dentists", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, 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contributors: []>, #<Term id: 461, pid: "homosaurus/terms/design", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "design", pref_label: "design", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 462, pid: "homosaurus/terms/desireToHaveChildren", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "desireToHaveChildren", pref_label: "desire to have children", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, 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00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 468, pid: "homosaurus/terms/diaries", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "diaries", pref_label: "diaries", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["personal journals"], alt_labels_language: ["personal journals"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], 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"2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 480, pid: "homosaurus/terms/disabilityStudies", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "disabilityStudies", pref_label: "disability studies", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: 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"homosaurus/terms/diversity", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "diversity", pref_label: "diversity", pref_label_language: nil, description: "diversity in characteristics of people in age, gen...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", ""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 488, pid: "homosaurus/terms/divorce", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "divorce", pref_label: "divorce", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 489, pid: "homosaurus/terms/divorcedPeople", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "divorcedPeople", pref_label: "divorced people", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], 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nil, uri: "", identifier: "drab", pref_label: "drab", pref_label_language: nil, description: "dressing in the clothes conventionally considered ...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 501, pid: "homosaurus/terms/drag", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "drag", pref_label: "drag", pref_label_language: nil, description: "dressing in clothing that is conventionally consid...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 502, pid: "homosaurus/terms/dragBalls", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "dragBalls", pref_label: "drag balls", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], 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"homosaurus/terms/dragKings", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "dragKings", pref_label: "drag kings", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["male impersonators"], alt_labels_language: ["male impersonators"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 505, pid: "homosaurus/terms/dragQueens", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "dragQueens", pref_label: "drag queens", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["female impersonators"], alt_labels_language: ["female impersonators"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 506, pid: "homosaurus/terms/drama", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "drama", pref_label: "drama", pref_label_language: nil, description: "in case of publications about performances: USE pl...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 507, pid: "homosaurus/terms/draughtmanship", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "draughtmanship", pref_label: "draughtmanship", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["draftsmanship"], alt_labels_language: ["draftsmanship"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 508, pid: "homosaurus/terms/drawings", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "drawings", pref_label: "drawings", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 509, pid: "homosaurus/terms/dreams", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "dreams", pref_label: "dreams", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, 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[], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 511, pid: "homosaurus/terms/drugUsers", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "drugUsers", pref_label: "drug users", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 512, pid: "homosaurus/terms/drugs", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "drugs", pref_label: "drugs", pref_label_language: nil, description: "for street drugs; for pharmaceutical drugs USE med...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["street drugs"], alt_labels_language: ["street drugs"], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 513, pid: "homosaurus/terms/DSM", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "DSM", pref_label: "DSM", pref_label_language: nil, description: "published by the American Psychiatric Association ...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders"], alt_labels_language: ["diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 514, pid: "homosaurus/terms/dutchReformedChurch", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "dutchReformedChurch", pref_label: "dutch reformed church", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 515, pid: "homosaurus/terms/DVDs", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "DVDs", pref_label: "DVDs", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-25 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 516, pid: "homosaurus/terms/easternOrthodoxChurches", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "easternOrthodoxChurches", pref_label: "Eastern orthodox churches", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["orthodox eastern churches"], alt_labels_language: ["orthodox eastern churches"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 517, pid: "homosaurus/terms/easyListeningMusic", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "easyListeningMusic", pref_label: "easy listening music", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 518, pid: "homosaurus/terms/eatingDisorders", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "eatingDisorders", pref_label: "eating disorders", pref_label_language: nil, description: "group of conditions defined by abnormal eating hab...", visibility: "visible", 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[""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 520, pid: "homosaurus/terms/e-commerce", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "e-commerce", pref_label: "e-commerce", pref_label_language: nil, description: "buying and selling of products or services over el...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["electronic commerce"], alt_labels_language: ["electronic commerce"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], 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"economicCrises", pref_label: "economic crises", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 523, pid: "homosaurus/terms/economicDevelopments", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "economicDevelopments", pref_label: "economic developments", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["economy"], alt_labels_language: ["economy"], broader: [], narrower: [""], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 524, pid: "homosaurus/terms/economicExploitation", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "economicExploitation", pref_label: "economic exploitation", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], 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internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 526, pid: "homosaurus/terms/economics", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "economics", pref_label: "economics", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 527, pid: "homosaurus/terms/economists", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "economists", pref_label: "economists", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, 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sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 530, pid: "homosaurus/terms/educationStudies", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "educationStudies", pref_label: "education studies", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["educational studies"], alt_labels_language: ["educational studies"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 531, pid: "homosaurus/terms/educationalInstitutions", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "educationalInstitutions", pref_label: "educational institutions", 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internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 535, pid: "homosaurus/terms/ego-dystonicSexualOrientation", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "ego-dystonicSexualOrientation", pref_label: "ego-dystonic sexual orientation", pref_label_language: nil, description: "mental disorder characterized by having a sexual o...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["ego-dystonic homosexuality"], alt_labels_language: ["ego-dystonic homosexuality"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 536, pid: 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["electroconvulsive therapy", "electric shock therapy"], alt_labels_language: ["electroconvulsive therapy", "electric shock therapy"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 539, pid: "homosaurus/terms/email", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "email", pref_label: "email", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], 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"", identifier: "embassies", pref_label: "embassies", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 542, pid: "homosaurus/terms/emigration", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "emigration", pref_label: "emigration", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", 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[], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 548, pid: "homosaurus/terms/employmentSuspension", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "employmentSuspension", pref_label: "employment suspension", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["job suspension"], alt_labels_language: ["job suspension"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 549, pid: "homosaurus/terms/encyclopedias", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: 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"2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["colonic irrigation"], alt_labels_language: ["colonic irrigation"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 551, pid: "homosaurus/terms/enforcedExile", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "enforcedExile", pref_label: "enforced exile", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], 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uri: "", identifier: "equestrianSports", pref_label: "equestrian sports", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["horse sports"], alt_labels_language: ["horse sports"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 558, pid: "homosaurus/terms/erectileDysfunction", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "erectileDysfunction", pref_label: "erectile dysfunction", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["impotence"], alt_labels_language: ["impotence"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 559, pid: "homosaurus/terms/erectionPills", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "erectionPills", pref_label: "erection pills", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], 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nil, uri: "", identifier: "erotica", pref_label: "erotica", pref_label_language: nil, description: "the portrayal of sexuality with high-art aspiratio...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 562, pid: "homosaurus/terms/eroticism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "eroticism", pref_label: "eroticism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 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00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 567, pid: "homosaurus/terms/essays", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "essays", pref_label: "essays", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], 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"homosaurus/terms/ethics", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "ethics", pref_label: "ethics", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["moral philosophy", "morality"], alt_labels_language: ["moral philosophy", "morality"], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: ["", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 570, pid: "homosaurus/terms/ethnicDiversity", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "ethnicDiversity", pref_label: "ethnic diversity", pref_label_language: nil, description: "diversity in ethnicity within a particular group o...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 571, pid: "homosaurus/terms/ethnicGroups", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "ethnicGroups", pref_label: "ethnic groups", pref_label_language: nil, description: "DO NOT USE for migrants", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["races"], alt_labels_language: ["races"], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 572, pid: "homosaurus/terms/ethnicRelations", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "ethnicRelations", pref_label: "ethnic relations", pref_label_language: nil, description: "relations between ethnic groups", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["race relations"], alt_labels_language: ["race relations"], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", ""], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], 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numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "ethnocentrism", pref_label: "ethnocentrism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "cultural myopia that prohibits people from seeing,...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 575, pid: "homosaurus/terms/ethology", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "ethology", pref_label: "ethology", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", 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[""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 577, pid: "homosaurus/terms/etiquette", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "etiquette", pref_label: "etiquette", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 578, pid: "homosaurus/terms/etymology", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "etymology", pref_label: "etymology", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 579, pid: "homosaurus/terms/eunuchs", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "eunuchs", pref_label: "eunuchs", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", 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nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 582, pid: "homosaurus/terms/europeanConventionOnHumanRights", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "europeanConventionOnHumanRights", pref_label: "european convention on human rights", pref_label_language: nil, description: "an international treaty to protect human rights an...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 583, pid: "homosaurus/terms/europeanCourtOfHumanRights", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "europeanCourtOfHumanRights", pref_label: "european court of human rights", pref_label_language: nil, description: "a supra-national or international court establishe...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 584, pid: "homosaurus/terms/europeanCourtOfJustice", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "europeanCourtOfJustice", pref_label: "european court of justice", pref_label_language: nil, description: "highest court in the European Union in matters of 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[""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 586, pid: "homosaurus/terms/europeanParliament", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "europeanParliament", pref_label: "european parliament", pref_label_language: nil, description: "the directly elected parliamentary institution of ...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 587, pid: "homosaurus/terms/europeanUnion", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "europeanUnion", pref_label: "european union", pref_label_language: nil, description: "an economic and political union of 27 member state...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["european community", "EU"], alt_labels_language: ["european community", "EU"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 588, pid: "homosaurus/terms/europride", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "europride", pref_label: "europride", pref_label_language: nil, description: "a pan-European international event dedicated to LG...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 589, pid: "homosaurus/terms/euthanasia", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "euthanasia", pref_label: "euthanasia", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["assisted death", "mercy killing"], alt_labels_language: ["assisted death", "mercy killing"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 590, pid: "homosaurus/terms/evangelisation", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "evangelisation", pref_label: "evangelisation", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["evangelization"], alt_labels_language: ["evangelization"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 591, pid: "homosaurus/terms/events", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "events", pref_label: "events", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 592, pid: "homosaurus/terms/evolution", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "evolution", pref_label: "evolution", pref_label_language: nil, description: "refers to any kind of gradual change; it is used i...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", ""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 593, pid: "homosaurus/terms/ex-gayMovement", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "ex-gayMovement", pref_label: "ex-gay movement", pref_label_language: nil, description: "people and organisations that seek to get people t...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 594, pid: "homosaurus/terms/examinations", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "examinations", pref_label: "examinations", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", ""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 595, pid: "homosaurus/terms/executives", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "executives", pref_label: "executives", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], 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alt_labels_language: ["banishment"], broader: [], narrower: ["", ""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 599, pid: "homosaurus/terms/existentialism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "existentialism", pref_label: "existentialism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "term applied to the work of a number of philosophe...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], 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"experiments", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 602, pid: "homosaurus/terms/extramaritalChildren", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "extramaritalChildren", pref_label: "extramarital children", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["illegitimate children"], alt_labels_language: ["illegitimate children"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 603, pid: "homosaurus/terms/faeries", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "faeries", pref_label: "faeries", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Radical Faeries (also Faeries and Faes) are a loos...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], 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pref_label: "fairs", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 606, pid: "homosaurus/terms/fairyTales", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "fairyTales", pref_label: "fairy tales", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], 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vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 608, pid: "homosaurus/terms/familyMembers", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "familyMembers", pref_label: "family members", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 609, pid: "homosaurus/terms/familyPlanning", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "familyPlanning", pref_label: "family planning", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["birth control"], alt_labels_language: ["birth control"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 610, pid: "homosaurus/terms/familyPractitioners", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "familyPractitioners", pref_label: "family practitioners", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", 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pref_label: "fantasy", pref_label_language: nil, description: "genre that uses magic and other supernatural pheno...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 614, pid: "homosaurus/terms/farmers", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "farmers", pref_label: "farmers", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 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"homosaurus/terms/feminism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "feminism", pref_label: "feminism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "collection of movements aimed at defining, establi...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 630, pid: "homosaurus/terms/feministTheology", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "feministTheology", pref_label: "feminist theology", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", 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[], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 637, pid: "homosaurus/terms/figureSkating", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "figureSkating", pref_label: "figure skating", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 638, pid: "homosaurus/terms/film", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "film", pref_label: "film", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 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"2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 651, pid: "homosaurus/terms/folkCulture", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "folkCulture", pref_label: "folk culture", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["folklore"], alt_labels_language: ["folklore"], broader: [""], narrower: ["", ""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], 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"2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 655, pid: "homosaurus/terms/fosterChildren", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "fosterChildren", pref_label: "foster children", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], 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[], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 659, pid: "homosaurus/terms/freedomRings", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "freedomRings", pref_label: "freedom rings", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 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sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 668, pid: "homosaurus/terms/fundraising", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "fundraising", pref_label: "fundraising", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-26 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 669, pid: "homosaurus/terms/funeralRites", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "funeralRites", pref_label: "funeral rites", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, 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"2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", ""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 674, pid: "homosaurus/terms/gardening", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gardening", pref_label: "gardening", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], 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00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 678, pid: "homosaurus/terms/gayBookshops", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayBookshops", pref_label: "gay bookshops", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], 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["gay pastors"], alt_labels_language: ["gay pastors"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 682, pid: "homosaurus/terms/gayCommunity", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayCommunity", pref_label: "gay community", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 683, pid: "homosaurus/terms/gayCommunityCentres", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayCommunityCentres", pref_label: "gay community centres", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 684, pid: "homosaurus/terms/chubs", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "chubs", pref_label: "chubs", pref_label_language: nil, description: "overweight or obese gay men who identifies as bein...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 685, pid: "homosaurus/terms/gayCulture", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayCulture", pref_label: "gay culture", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", ""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 686, pid: "homosaurus/terms/gayFamilies", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayFamilies", pref_label: "gay families", pref_label_language: nil, description: "used only for gay male couples living with their c...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], 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"", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 691, pid: "homosaurus/terms/gayLibraries", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayLibraries", pref_label: "gay libraries", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 692, pid: "homosaurus/terms/gayMaleCouples", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayMaleCouples", pref_label: "gay male couples", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 693, pid: "homosaurus/terms/gayMen", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayMen", pref_label: "gay men", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["gays"], alt_labels_language: ["gays"], broader: ["", ""], narrower: ["", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 694, pid: "homosaurus/terms/gayMensChoirs", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayMensChoirs", pref_label: "gay men's choirs", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], 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internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 696, pid: "homosaurus/terms/gayMuseums", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayMuseums", pref_label: "gay museums", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 697, pid: "homosaurus/terms/gayParents", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayParents", pref_label: "gay parents", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, 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[]>, #<Term id: 700, pid: "homosaurus/terms/gayPride", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayPride", pref_label: "gay pride", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", ""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 701, pid: "homosaurus/terms/gayPrideWeek", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayPrideWeek", pref_label: "gay pride week", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 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id: 708, pid: "homosaurus/terms/gaySons", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gaySons", pref_label: "gay sons", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 709, pid: "homosaurus/terms/gaySportsClubs", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gaySportsClubs", pref_label: "gay sports clubs", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 710, pid: "homosaurus/terms/gayStudies", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayStudies", pref_label: "gay studies", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], 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"gayTheatre", pref_label: "gay theatre", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 713, pid: "homosaurus/terms/gayTheatreGroups", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayTheatreGroups", pref_label: "gay theatre groups", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", 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"gay-straightAlliances", pref_label: "gay-straight alliances", pref_label_language: nil, description: "alliances to make schools, sports clubs, etc. safe...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 717, pid: "homosaurus/terms/gaydar", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gaydar", pref_label: "gaydar", pref_label_language: nil, description: "intuitive ability of a person to assess others' s...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 718, pid: "homosaurus/terms/gender", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gender", pref_label: "gender", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], 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nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 720, pid: "homosaurus/terms/genderDiversity", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "genderDiversity", pref_label: "gender diversity", pref_label_language: nil, description: "behaviour or gender expression that does not confo...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["pangender", "gender non-conformity", "gender variance", "genderqueerness"], alt_labels_language: ["pangender", "gender non-conformity", "gender variance", "genderqueerness"], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, 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pref_label_language: nil, description: "a gender identity best described as a dynamic mix ...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 723, pid: "homosaurus/terms/genderIdentity", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "genderIdentity", pref_label: "gender identity", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["genderqueer identity", "gender-variant identity"], alt_labels_language: ["genderqueer identity", "gender-variant identity"], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 724, pid: "homosaurus/terms/genderMinorities", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "genderMinorities", pref_label: "gender minorities", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["genderqueer orientation", "genderqueer people", "gender 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"sex reassignment surgery"], alt_labels_language: ["gender reassignment surgery", "sex reassignment surgery"], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 726, pid: "homosaurus/terms/genderRelations", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "genderRelations", pref_label: "gender relations", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], 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numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "genderSegregationInLabour", pref_label: "gender segregation in labour", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["division of labour by gender", "male occupations", "female occupations", "sexual division of labour"], alt_labels_language: ["division of labour by gender", "male occupations", "female occupations", "sexual division of labour"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 729, pid: "homosaurus/terms/genderStudies", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "genderStudies", pref_label: "gender studies", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 730, pid: "homosaurus/terms/genderSwapping", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "genderSwapping", pref_label: "gender swapping", pref_label_language: nil, description: "used in relation to roleplaying", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["gender roleplay"], alt_labels_language: ["gender roleplay"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 731, pid: "homosaurus/terms/genderism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "genderism", pref_label: "genderism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["gender discrimination"], alt_labels_language: ["gender discrimination"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], 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["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 740, pid: "homosaurus/terms/ghettos", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "ghettos", pref_label: "ghettos", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 741, pid: 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"2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 755, pid: "homosaurus/terms/graphicNovels", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "graphicNovels", pref_label: "graphic novels", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], 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"homosaurus/terms/handkerchiefCodes", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "handkerchiefCodes", pref_label: "handkerchief codes", pref_label_language: nil, description: "a color-coded system to indicate preferred sexual ...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 770, pid: "homosaurus/terms/happiness", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "happiness", pref_label: "happiness", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, 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sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 773, pid: "homosaurus/terms/harems", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "harems", pref_label: "harems", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 774, pid: "homosaurus/terms/hate", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "hate", pref_label: "hate", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", 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["", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 776, pid: "homosaurus/terms/hateGroups", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "hateGroups", pref_label: "hate groups", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 777, pid: "homosaurus/terms/hateSpeech", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "hateSpeech", pref_label: "hate speech", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["group libel", "group defamation", "defamation against groups"], alt_labels_language: ["group libel", "group defamation", "defamation against groups"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 778, pid: "homosaurus/terms/headsOfState", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "headsOfState", pref_label: 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[""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 789, pid: "homosaurus/terms/helpLines", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "helpLines", pref_label: "help lines", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["hotlines", "switchboards"], alt_labels_language: ["hotlines", "switchboards"], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 790, pid: "homosaurus/terms/hepatitis", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "hepatitis", pref_label: "hepatitis", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 791, pid: "homosaurus/terms/heredity", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "heredity", pref_label: "heredity", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", 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internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 798, pid: "homosaurus/terms/heterosexualBoys", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "heterosexualBoys", pref_label: "heterosexual boys", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["straight boys"], alt_labels_language: ["straight boys"], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 799, pid: "homosaurus/terms/heterosexualFeminism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "heterosexualFeminism", pref_label: "heterosexual feminism", 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[""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 811, pid: "homosaurus/terms/hinduism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "hinduism", pref_label: "hinduism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 812, pid: 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"2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 818, pid: "homosaurus/terms/HIVAIDS", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "HIVAIDS", pref_label: "HIV/AIDS", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["gay-related immuno-deficiency", "AIDS", "acquired immune deficiency syndrome", "GRIDS"], alt_labels_language: ["gay-related immuno-deficiency", "AIDS", "acquired immune 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"2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 823, pid: "homosaurus/terms/homeCare", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "homeCare", pref_label: "home care", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], 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uri: "", identifier: "homonormativity", pref_label: "homonormativity", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["homosexual norms"], alt_labels_language: ["homosexual norms"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 830, pid: "homosaurus/terms/homophobia", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "homophobia", pref_label: "homophobia", pref_label_language: nil, description: "fear, mistrust or hatred of gay men ", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 831, pid: "homosaurus/terms/homosexuality", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "homosexuality", pref_label: "homosexuality", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], 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history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 833, pid: "homosaurus/terms/honourKillings", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "honourKillings", pref_label: "honour killings", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["honor killings"], alt_labels_language: ["honor killings"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 834, pid: "homosaurus/terms/hormoneTherapy", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "hormoneTherapy", pref_label: "hormone therapy", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["cross-gender hormone therapy", "hormone reassignment therapy", "hormone replacement therapy "], alt_labels_language: ["cross-gender hormone therapy", "hormone reassignment therapy", "hormone replacement therapy "], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 835, pid: "homosaurus/terms/hormones", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "hormones", pref_label: "hormones", pref_label_language: nil, description: "as part of the body; for hormones as medication US...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 836, pid: "homosaurus/terms/hospitalityIndustry", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "hospitalityIndustry", pref_label: "hospitality industry", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["hotel and catering industry "], 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[""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 841, pid: "homosaurus/terms/householdWork", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "householdWork", pref_label: "household work", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["housekeeping", "housework"], alt_labels_language: ["housekeeping", "housework"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 842, pid: "homosaurus/terms/housing", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "housing", pref_label: "housing", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["residences"], alt_labels_language: ["residences"], broader: [], narrower: ["", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 843, pid: "homosaurus/terms/housingAssociations", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "housingAssociations", pref_label: "housing associations", 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history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 847, pid: "homosaurus/terms/humanReproduction", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "humanReproduction", pref_label: "human reproduction", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [""], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 848, pid: "homosaurus/terms/humanRights", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "humanRights", pref_label: "human rights", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 849, pid: "homosaurus/terms/humanRightsOrganisations", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "humanRightsOrganisations", pref_label: "human rights organisations", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["civil rights organizations", "civil rights organisations", "human rights organizations"], alt_labels_language: ["civil rights organizations", "civil rights organisations", "human rights organizations"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 850, pid: "homosaurus/terms/humanism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "humanism", pref_label: "humanism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], 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contributors: []>, #<Term id: 852, pid: "homosaurus/terms/humour", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "humour", pref_label: "humour", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 853, pid: "homosaurus/terms/hygiene", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "hygiene", pref_label: "hygiene", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 854, pid: "homosaurus/terms/hypersexuality", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "hypersexuality", pref_label: "hypersexuality", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["nymphomania", "satyriasis"], alt_labels_language: ["nymphomania", "satyriasis"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], 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"2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 858, pid: "homosaurus/terms/idols", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "idols", pref_label: "idols", pref_label_language: nil, description: "persons regarded with blind admiration, adoration,...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], 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nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 860, pid: "homosaurus/terms/imageHostingWebsites", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "imageHostingWebsites", pref_label: "image hosting websites", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 861, pid: "homosaurus/terms/imams", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "imams", pref_label: "imams", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, 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sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 864, pid: "homosaurus/terms/immigrationLaw", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "immigrationLaw", pref_label: "immigration law", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 865, pid: "homosaurus/terms/immigrationPolicy", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "immigrationPolicy", pref_label: "immigration policy", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", 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[""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 867, pid: "homosaurus/terms/impresarios", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "impresarios", pref_label: "impresarios", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 868, pid: "homosaurus/terms/imprisonment", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "imprisonment", pref_label: "imprisonment", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["incarceration"], alt_labels_language: ["incarceration"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 869, pid: "homosaurus/terms/inVitroFertilisation", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "inVitroFertilisation", pref_label: "in vitro fertilisation", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", 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"2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 871, pid: "homosaurus/terms/incestVictims", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "incestVictims", pref_label: "incest victims", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["victims of incest"], alt_labels_language: ["victims of incest"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], 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contributors: []>, #<Term id: 873, pid: "homosaurus/terms/indigenousPeoples", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "indigenousPeoples", pref_label: "indigenous peoples", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["native peoples"], alt_labels_language: ["native peoples"], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 874, pid: "homosaurus/terms/individualisation", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "individualisation", pref_label: "individualisation", pref_label_language: nil, description: "process towards individualism ; consequence of soc...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["individualization"], alt_labels_language: ["individualization"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 875, pid: "homosaurus/terms/industries", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "industries", pref_label: "industries", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", 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[], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 877, pid: "homosaurus/terms/informationCentres", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "informationCentres", pref_label: "information centres", pref_label_language: nil, description: "a place or institution which pulls together inform...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["documentation centres"], alt_labels_language: ["documentation centres"], broader: ["", ""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 878, pid: "homosaurus/terms/informationServices", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "informationServices", pref_label: "information services", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", ""], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 879, pid: "homosaurus/terms/informationSociety", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "informationSociety", pref_label: "information society", pref_label_language: nil, description: "type of society in which the exchange of informati...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 880, pid: "homosaurus/terms/inheritanceLaw", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "inheritanceLaw", pref_label: "inheritance law", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], 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nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 882, pid: "homosaurus/terms/initiation", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "initiation", pref_label: "initiation", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 883, pid: "homosaurus/terms/inquisition", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "inquisition", pref_label: "inquisition", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, 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["employment agencies"], alt_labels_language: ["employment agencies"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 920, pid: "homosaurus/terms/journalists", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "journalists", pref_label: "journalists", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 921, pid: "homosaurus/terms/judaism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "judaism", pref_label: "judaism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "jewish religion and culture", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 922, pid: "homosaurus/terms/judges", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "judges", pref_label: "judges", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 923, pid: "homosaurus/terms/justiceDepartment", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "justiceDepartment", pref_label: "justice department", pref_label_language: nil, description: "ministry of justice or justice department", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["ministry of justice"], alt_labels_language: ["ministry of justice"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 924, pid: "homosaurus/terms/juvenileDetentionCentres", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "juvenileDetentionCentres", pref_label: "juvenile detention centres", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], 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identifier: "kabuki", pref_label: "kabuki", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Japanese theatre with cross-dressing actors; in th...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 927, pid: "homosaurus/terms/kaposisSarcoma", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "kaposisSarcoma", pref_label: "kaposi's sarcoma", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 928, pid: "homosaurus/terms/karate", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "karate", pref_label: "karate", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], 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"homosaurus/terms/kibbutzim", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "kibbutzim", pref_label: "kibbutzim", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 931, pid: "homosaurus/terms/kidnappings", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "kidnappings", pref_label: "kidnappings", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 932, pid: "homosaurus/terms/kissing", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "kissing", pref_label: "kissing", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 933, pid: "homosaurus/terms/koran", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "koran", pref_label: "koran", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 934, pid: "homosaurus/terms/labelling", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "labelling", pref_label: "labelling", pref_label_language: nil, description: "describing someone or something in a word or short...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 935, pid: "homosaurus/terms/labour", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "labour", pref_label: "labour", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], 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[], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 941, pid: "homosaurus/terms/language", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "language", pref_label: "language", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: 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contributors: []>, #<Term id: 959, pid: "homosaurus/terms/legalProcess", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "legalProcess", pref_label: "legal process", pref_label_language: nil, description: "from first hearing to final verdict", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 960, pid: "homosaurus/terms/legalStatus", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "legalStatus", pref_label: "legal status", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", 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["law studies"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 962, pid: "homosaurus/terms/legends", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "legends", pref_label: "legends", pref_label_language: nil, description: "traditional narrative based on alleged historical ...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", 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manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 978, pid: "homosaurus/terms/lesbianInformationCentres", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "lesbianInformationCentres", pref_label: "lesbian information centres", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["lesbian documentation centres"], alt_labels_language: ["lesbian documentation centres"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], 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sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 980, pid: "homosaurus/terms/lesbianLibraries", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "lesbianLibraries", pref_label: "lesbian libraries", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 981, pid: "homosaurus/terms/lesbianMovement", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "lesbianMovement", pref_label: "lesbian movement", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: 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00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 983, pid: "homosaurus/terms/lesbianNation", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "lesbianNation", pref_label: "lesbian nation", pref_label_language: nil, description: "imagined, autonomous, international lesbian commun...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], 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"homosaurus/terms/lesbianPoliticalGroups", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "lesbianPoliticalGroups", pref_label: "lesbian political groups", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 986, pid: "homosaurus/terms/lesbianPress", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "lesbianPress", pref_label: "lesbian press", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 987, pid: "homosaurus/terms/lesbianProstitutes", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "lesbianProstitutes", pref_label: "lesbian prostitutes", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: 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"homosaurus/terms/lesbianPublishers", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "lesbianPublishers", pref_label: "lesbian publishers", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 990, pid: "homosaurus/terms/lesbianRadio", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "lesbianRadio", pref_label: "lesbian radio", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 991, pid: "homosaurus/terms/lesbianReligiousGroups", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "lesbianReligiousGroups", pref_label: "lesbian religious groups", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], 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"homosaurus/terms/lesbianSensibility", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "lesbianSensibility", pref_label: "lesbian sensibility", pref_label_language: nil, description: "specifically lesbian way of reading and looking at...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 994, pid: "homosaurus/terms/lesbianSeparatism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "lesbianSeparatism", pref_label: "lesbian separatism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "ideological, social, cultural, and sometimes physi...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", ""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 995, pid: "homosaurus/terms/lesbianSlang", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "lesbianSlang", pref_label: "lesbian slang", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], 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1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 997, pid: "homosaurus/terms/lesbianStudies", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "lesbianStudies", pref_label: "lesbian studies", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 998, pid: "homosaurus/terms/lesbianTelevision", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "lesbianTelevision", pref_label: "lesbian television", pref_label_language: nil, 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[""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1000, pid: "homosaurus/terms/lesbianTheatreGroups", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "lesbianTheatreGroups", pref_label: "lesbian theatre groups", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1001, pid: "homosaurus/terms/lesbianTheology", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "lesbianTheology", pref_label: "lesbian theology", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1002, pid: "homosaurus/terms/lesbianTradeUnionGroups", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "lesbianTradeUnionGroups", pref_label: "lesbian trade union groups", 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[], alt_labels: ["gay-lesbian relations"], alt_labels_language: ["gay-lesbian relations"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1004, pid: "homosaurus/terms/lesbianism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "lesbianism", pref_label: "lesbianism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], 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[""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", ""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1013, pid: "homosaurus/terms/LGBTIMovement", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "LGBTIMovement", pref_label: "LGBTI movement", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], 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internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1039, pid: "homosaurus/terms/localRadio", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "localRadio", pref_label: "local radio", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1040, pid: "homosaurus/terms/localTelevision", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "localTelevision", pref_label: "local television", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", 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internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1043, pid: "homosaurus/terms/lorryDrivers", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "lorryDrivers", pref_label: "lorry drivers", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["truck drivers"], alt_labels_language: ["truck drivers"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1044, pid: "homosaurus/terms/love", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "love", pref_label: "love", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", 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[], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1046, pid: "homosaurus/terms/lovers", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "lovers", pref_label: "lovers", pref_label_language: nil, description: "male and female lovers", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["mistresses"], alt_labels_language: ["mistresses"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1047, pid: "homosaurus/terms/lubricants", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "lubricants", pref_label: "lubricants", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-27 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1048, pid: "homosaurus/terms/lutheranism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "lutheranism", pref_label: "lutheranism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, 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[], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1050, pid: "homosaurus/terms/macrobiotics", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "macrobiotics", pref_label: "macrobiotics", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1051, pid: "homosaurus/terms/mahu", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "mahu", pref_label: "mahu", pref_label_language: nil, description: "third gender person in some Polynesian cultures", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1052, pid: "homosaurus/terms/mailOrderCompanies", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "mailOrderCompanies", pref_label: "mail order companies", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1053, pid: "homosaurus/terms/maleBonding", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "maleBonding", pref_label: "male bonding", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], 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vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1059, pid: "homosaurus/terms/maoris", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "maoris", pref_label: "maoris", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1060, pid: "homosaurus/terms/mardiGras", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "mardiGras", pref_label: "mardi gras", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras 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history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1068, pid: "homosaurus/terms/marriedPeople", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "marriedPeople", pref_label: "married people", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1069, pid: "homosaurus/terms/judo", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "judo", pref_label: "judo", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", 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00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["autoeroticism", "solosex", "solo sex"], alt_labels_language: ["autoeroticism", "solosex", "solo sex"], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1078, pid: "homosaurus/terms/mathematicians", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "mathematicians", pref_label: "mathematicians", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], 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"2015-11-28 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1082, pid: "homosaurus/terms/media", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "media", pref_label: "media", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], 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[], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1088, pid: "homosaurus/terms/medication", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "medication", pref_label: "medication", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["pharmaceuticals"], alt_labels_language: ["pharmaceuticals"], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1089, pid: "homosaurus/terms/medicine", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "medicine", pref_label: "medicine", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", 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[], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1091, pid: "homosaurus/terms/mediterraneanCultures", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "mediterraneanCultures", pref_label: "mediterranean cultures", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1092, pid: "homosaurus/terms/meetingPlaces", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "meetingPlaces", pref_label: "meeting places", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1093, pid: "homosaurus/terms/meetings", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "meetings", pref_label: "meetings", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: 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"homosaurus/terms/menInTraditionallyFemale-dominate...", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "menInTraditionallyFemale-dominatedOccupations", pref_label: "men in traditionally female-dominated occupations", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["men in women's jobs", "men in female professions"], alt_labels_language: ["men in women's jobs", "men in female professions"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1097, pid: "homosaurus/terms/menWhoHaveSexWithMen", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "menWhoHaveSexWithMen", pref_label: "men who have sex with men", pref_label_language: nil, description: "male persons who engage in sexual activity with me...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["msm"], alt_labels_language: ["msm"], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1098, pid: "homosaurus/terms/mensFriendships", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "mensFriendships", pref_label: "men's friendships", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["male friendships"], alt_labels_language: ["male friendships"], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1099, pid: "homosaurus/terms/mensInformationCentres", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "mensInformationCentres", pref_label: "men’s information centres", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["men’s documentation centres"], alt_labels_language: ["men’s documentation centres"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1100, pid: "homosaurus/terms/mensMagazines", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "mensMagazines", pref_label: "men's magazines", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1101, pid: "homosaurus/terms/mensMovement", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "mensMovement", pref_label: "men's movement", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1102, pid: "homosaurus/terms/mensOrganisations", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "mensOrganisations", pref_label: "men's organisations", pref_label_language: nil, 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alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1104, pid: "homosaurus/terms/mennonism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "mennonism", pref_label: "mennonism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, 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alt_labels_language: ["mental illnesses", "psychiatric disorders"], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1108, pid: "homosaurus/terms/mentalExercise", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "mentalExercise", pref_label: "mental exercise", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["cognitive training", "brain exercise"], alt_labels_language: ["cognitive training", "brain exercise"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1109, pid: "homosaurus/terms/mentalHealth", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "mentalHealth", pref_label: "mental health", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1110, pid: "homosaurus/terms/mentalHealthCare", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "mentalHealthCare", pref_label: "mental health care", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1111, pid: "homosaurus/terms/metaphors", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "metaphors", pref_label: "metaphors", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1112, pid: "homosaurus/terms/metaphysics", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "metaphysics", pref_label: "metaphysics", pref_label_language: nil, description: "branch of philosophy dealing with transcendental k...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], 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"homosaurus/terms/methodism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "methodism", pref_label: "methodism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1115, pid: "homosaurus/terms/metropolitanCommunityChurch", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "metropolitanCommunityChurch", pref_label: "metropolitan community church", pref_label_language: nil, description: "international protestant christian denomination, w...", visibility: 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[""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1117, pid: "homosaurus/terms/middleClass", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "middleClass", pref_label: "middle class", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1118, pid: "homosaurus/terms/migrants", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "migrants", pref_label: "migrants", pref_label_language: nil, description: "see population groups for more specific descriptor...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["foreigners"], alt_labels_language: ["foreigners"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1119, pid: "homosaurus/terms/migration", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "migration", pref_label: "migration", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1120, pid: "homosaurus/terms/militancy", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "militancy", pref_label: "militancy", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1121, pid: "homosaurus/terms/militarism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "militarism", pref_label: "militarism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1122, pid: "homosaurus/terms/military", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "military", pref_label: "military", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["armed forces", "armed services"], alt_labels_language: ["armed forces", "armed services"], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1123, pid: "homosaurus/terms/militaryOccupations", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "militaryOccupations", pref_label: "military occupations", 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vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1126, pid: "homosaurus/terms/militaryServicePhysicalExaminatio...", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "militaryServicePhysicalExaminations", pref_label: "military service physical examinations", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1127, pid: "homosaurus/terms/mime", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "mime", pref_label: 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[""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1129, pid: "homosaurus/terms/minitel", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "minitel", pref_label: "minitel", pref_label_language: nil, description: "videotex online service accessible through the tel...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1130, pid: "homosaurus/terms/minors", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "minors", pref_label: "minors", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1131, pid: "homosaurus/terms/misandry", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "misandry", pref_label: "misandry", pref_label_language: nil, description: "hate or dislike of men or boys", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1132, pid: "homosaurus/terms/miscarriages", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "miscarriages", pref_label: "miscarriages", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1133, pid: "homosaurus/terms/misogyny", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "misogyny", pref_label: "misogyny", pref_label_language: nil, description: "hate or dislike of women or girls", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1134, pid: "homosaurus/terms/missionaries", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "missionaries", pref_label: "missionaries", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1135, pid: "homosaurus/terms/mixed-orientationMarriage", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "mixed-orientationMarriage", pref_label: "mixed-orientation marriage", pref_label_language: nil, description: "marriage in which one of the partners is heterosex...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["bisexual marriage"], alt_labels_language: ["bisexual marriage"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1136, pid: "homosaurus/terms/modernism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "modernism", pref_label: "modernism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "avant garde literary and artistic current running ...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", 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"money", pref_label: "money", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1140, pid: "homosaurus/terms/monks", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "monks", pref_label: "monks", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", labels: [], 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vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1142, pid: "homosaurus/terms/monotheism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "monotheism", pref_label: "monotheism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1143, pid: "homosaurus/terms/moodDisorders", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "moodDisorders", pref_label: "mood disorders", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", 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"terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1146, pid: "homosaurus/terms/moravianChurch", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "moravianChurch", pref_label: "moravian church", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1147, pid: "homosaurus/terms/mormonism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "mormonism", pref_label: "mormonism", pref_label_language: nil, description: 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vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1150, pid: "homosaurus/terms/mothersOfGayMen", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "mothersOfGayMen", pref_label: "mothers of gay men", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1151, pid: "homosaurus/terms/mothersOfLesbians", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "mothersOfLesbians", pref_label: "mothers of lesbians", 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vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1154, pid: "homosaurus/terms/MtFs", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "MtFs", pref_label: "MtFs", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["transgender women", "males transitioning to females", "transwomen"], alt_labels_language: ["transgender women", "males transitioning to females", "transwomen"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1155, pid: "homosaurus/terms/mudSex", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "mudSex", pref_label: "mud sex", pref_label_language: nil, description: "sex in the mud", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1156, pid: "homosaurus/terms/multiculturalism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "multiculturalism", pref_label: "multiculturalism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "recognition of the idea that Mainstream culture no...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", 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[""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1167, pid: "homosaurus/terms/musicalTheatre", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "musicalTheatre", pref_label: "musical theatre", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-28 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", ""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", 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nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1196, pid: "homosaurus/terms/newAgeMovement", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "newAgeMovement", pref_label: "new age movement", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1197, pid: "homosaurus/terms/newTestament", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "newTestament", pref_label: "new testament", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, 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"2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1211, pid: "homosaurus/terms/nudePhotographs", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "nudePhotographs", pref_label: "nude photographs", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], 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contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1216, pid: "homosaurus/terms/nursing", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "nursing", pref_label: "nursing", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1217, pid: "homosaurus/terms/nursingHomes", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "nursingHomes", pref_label: "nursing homes", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: 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"", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1223, pid: "homosaurus/terms/criminalOccupations", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "criminalOccupations", pref_label: "criminal occupations", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1224, pid: "homosaurus/terms/occupationsInHealthCareAndSocialC...", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "occupationsInHealthCareAndSocialCare", pref_label: "occupations in health care and social care", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["medical personnel", "health professions", "social care occupations", "health care occupations", "health care professionals"], alt_labels_language: ["medical personnel", "health professions", "social care occupations", "health care occupations", "health care professionals"], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: 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"terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1238, pid: "homosaurus/terms/ombudsServices", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "ombudsServices", pref_label: "ombuds services", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1239, pid: "homosaurus/terms/onlineCare", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "onlineCare", pref_label: "online care", pref_label_language: nil, 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[""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1242, pid: "homosaurus/terms/opera", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "opera", pref_label: "opera", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1243, pid: 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internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1282, pid: "homosaurus/terms/partnerNotification", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "partnerNotification", pref_label: "partner notification", pref_label_language: nil, description: "the practice of notifying the sexual partners of a...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1283, pid: "homosaurus/terms/partnerPreference", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "partnerPreference", pref_label: 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[], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1285, pid: "homosaurus/terms/partners", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "partners", pref_label: "partners", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], 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"2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1293, pid: "homosaurus/terms/passiveImmuneTherapy", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "passiveImmuneTherapy", pref_label: "passive immune therapy", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], 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contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1325, pid: "homosaurus/terms/personalAndFamilyLaw", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "personalAndFamilyLaw", pref_label: "personal and family law", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1326, pid: "homosaurus/terms/personalCharacteristics", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "personalCharacteristics", pref_label: "personal characteristics", 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["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1340, pid: "homosaurus/terms/philosophy", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "philosophy", pref_label: "philosophy", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: 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"2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1348, pid: "homosaurus/terms/photographs", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "photographs", pref_label: "photographs", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], 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00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1376, pid: "homosaurus/terms/policeEntrapment", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "policeEntrapment", pref_label: "police entrapment", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["under cover agents"], alt_labels_language: ["under cover agents"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], 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["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1381, pid: "homosaurus/terms/politicalOccupations", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "politicalOccupations", pref_label: "political occupations", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", ""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1382, pid: "homosaurus/terms/politicalParties", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "politicalParties", pref_label: "political parties", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1383, pid: "homosaurus/terms/politicalScience", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "politicalScience", pref_label: "political science", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: 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of romantic relationships with more than ...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1388, pid: "homosaurus/terms/polygamy", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "polygamy", pref_label: "polygamy", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], 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vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1390, pid: "homosaurus/terms/popArt", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "popArt", pref_label: "pop art", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1391, pid: "homosaurus/terms/popGroups", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "popGroups", pref_label: "pop groups", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", 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["", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1393, pid: "homosaurus/terms/popes", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "popes", pref_label: "popes", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], 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"2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1412, pid: "homosaurus/terms/prevention", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "prevention", pref_label: "prevention", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], 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[""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1425, pid: "homosaurus/terms/prostitutesClients", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "prostitutesClients", pref_label: "prostitutes' clients", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["tricks", "clients of prostitutes", "johns"], alt_labels_language: ["tricks", "clients of prostitutes", "johns"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], 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"terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1461, pid: "homosaurus/terms/qualityOfLife", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "qualityOfLife", pref_label: "quality of life", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1462, pid: "homosaurus/terms/queensDay", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "queensDay", pref_label: "queen's day", pref_label_language: nil, 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00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1468, pid: "homosaurus/terms/radio", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "radio", pref_label: "radio", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", "", ""], narrower: ["", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], 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00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1472, pid: "homosaurus/terms/rajneeshMovement", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "rajneeshMovement", pref_label: "rajneesh movement", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: 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"2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1480, pid: "homosaurus/terms/redRibbons", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "redRibbons", pref_label: "red ribbons", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["AIDS ribbons"], alt_labels_language: ["AIDS ribbons"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], 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vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1486, pid: "homosaurus/terms/reformedChurchesInTheNetherlands", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "reformedChurchesInTheNetherlands", pref_label: "reformed churches in the netherlands", pref_label_language: nil, description: "second largest protestant church in the Netherland...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1487, pid: "homosaurus/terms/refugeeCentres", 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contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1491, pid: "homosaurus/terms/reincarnation", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "reincarnation", pref_label: "reincarnation", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1492, pid: "homosaurus/terms/relationshipSatisfaction", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "relationshipSatisfaction", pref_label: "relationship satisfaction", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", 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"", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1494, pid: "homosaurus/terms/religions", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "religions", pref_label: "religions", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1495, pid: "homosaurus/terms/religiousMusic", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "religiousMusic", pref_label: "religious music", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["sacred music"], alt_labels_language: ["sacred music"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1496, pid: "homosaurus/terms/religiousOrders", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", 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"2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1512, pid: "homosaurus/terms/retirementBenefits", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "retirementBenefits", pref_label: "retirement benefits", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["pension insurance"], alt_labels_language: ["pension insurance"], broader: [], narrower: ["", ""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], 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#<Term id: 1518, pid: "homosaurus/terms/rightToDie", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "rightToDie", pref_label: "right to die", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["death with dignity", "living wills"], alt_labels_language: ["death with dignity", "living wills"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1519, pid: "homosaurus/terms/rightToVote", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "rightToVote", pref_label: "right to vote", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1520, pid: "homosaurus/terms/rightWingExtremism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "rightWingExtremism", pref_label: "right wing extremism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", ""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1521, pid: "homosaurus/terms/rimming", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "rimming", pref_label: "rimming", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["anilingus"], alt_labels_language: ["anilingus"], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1522, pid: "homosaurus/terms/riots", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "riots", pref_label: "riots", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["mob violence"], alt_labels_language: ["mob violence"], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1523, pid: "homosaurus/terms/riskBehaviours", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "riskBehaviours", pref_label: "risk behaviours", pref_label_language: nil, description: "with regard to STDs and HIV/AIDS", 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related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1525, pid: "homosaurus/terms/ritualHomosexuality", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "ritualHomosexuality", pref_label: "ritual homosexuality", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1526, pid: "homosaurus/terms/robbery", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "robbery", pref_label: "robbery", pref_label_language: nil, description: "crime of taking or attempting to take something of...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["mugging"], alt_labels_language: ["mugging"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1527, pid: "homosaurus/terms/rockMusic", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "rockMusic", pref_label: "rock music", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", 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["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1529, pid: "homosaurus/terms/cowgirls", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "cowgirls", pref_label: "cowgirls", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1530, pid: "homosaurus/terms/roleModels", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "roleModels", pref_label: "role models", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1531, pid: "homosaurus/terms/roleBehaviour", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "roleBehaviour", pref_label: "role behaviour", pref_label_language: nil, description: "behaviour influenced by norms, determining a socia...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["role patterns"], alt_labels_language: ["role patterns"], broader: [], narrower: ["", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1532, pid: "homosaurus/terms/roleplay", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "roleplay", pref_label: "roleplay", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", ""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1533, pid: "homosaurus/terms/roma", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "roma", pref_label: "roma", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["roma and sinti", "gypsies", "sinti", "romani"], alt_labels_language: ["roma and sinti", "gypsies", "sinti", "romani"], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1534, pid: "homosaurus/terms/romanCatholicism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "romanCatholicism", pref_label: "roman catholicism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1535, pid: "homosaurus/terms/romanticFriendships", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "romanticFriendships", pref_label: "romantic friendships", pref_label_language: nil, description: "very close but non-sexual relationships and at tim...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1536, pid: "homosaurus/terms/romanticism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "romanticism", pref_label: "romanticism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "late 18th century, early 19th century cultural mov...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1537, pid: "homosaurus/terms/royalty", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "royalty", pref_label: "royalty", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1538, pid: "homosaurus/terms/rubberSex", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "rubberSex", pref_label: "rubber sex", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1539, pid: "homosaurus/terms/rugby", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "rugby", pref_label: "rugby", 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"non-urban areas"], alt_labels_language: ["countryside", "non-urban areas"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1541, pid: "homosaurus/terms/ruralWomen", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "ruralWomen", pref_label: "rural women", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1542, pid: "homosaurus/terms/russianRevolution", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "russianRevolution", pref_label: "russian revolution", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1543, pid: "homosaurus/terms/sacraments", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "sacraments", pref_label: "sacraments", 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[""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1545, pid: "homosaurus/terms/saferSex", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "saferSex", pref_label: "safer sex", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, 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uri: "", identifier: "scams", pref_label: "scams", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1555, pid: "homosaurus/terms/schizophrenia", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "schizophrenia", pref_label: "schizophrenia", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", 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00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["LGBT schools"], alt_labels_language: ["LGBT schools"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1560, pid: "homosaurus/terms/scienceFiction", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "scienceFiction", pref_label: "science fiction", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], 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"terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1569, pid: "homosaurus/terms/secretService", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "secretService", pref_label: "secret service", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1570, pid: "homosaurus/terms/securityRisks", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "securityRisks", pref_label: "security risks", pref_label_language: nil, description: "employees who are, or suspected to be, untrustwort...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1571, pid: "homosaurus/terms/seduction", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "seduction", pref_label: "seduction", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], 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"terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1573, pid: "homosaurus/terms/self-defence", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "self-defence", pref_label: "self-defence", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["self-defense"], alt_labels_language: ["self-defense"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1574, pid: "homosaurus/terms/self-help", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "self-help", pref_label: "self-help", pref_label_language: nil, description: "self care and social support among persons with a ...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["self-improvement", "self-development"], alt_labels_language: ["self-improvement", "self-development"], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", ""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1575, pid: "homosaurus/terms/self-image", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "self-image", pref_label: "self-image", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", 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[], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1578, pid: "homosaurus/terms/self-respect", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "self-respect", pref_label: "self-respect", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["self-esteem"], alt_labels_language: ["self-esteem"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1579, pid: "homosaurus/terms/seminaries", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "seminaries", pref_label: "seminaries", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, 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[], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1591, pid: "homosaurus/terms/sexClubs", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "sexClubs", pref_label: "sex clubs", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1592, pid: "homosaurus/terms/sexEducation", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "sexEducation", pref_label: "sex education", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1593, pid: "homosaurus/terms/sexIndustry", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "sexIndustry", pref_label: "sex industry", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["adult entertainment industry"], alt_labels_language: ["adult entertainment industry"], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1594, pid: "homosaurus/terms/sexLocations", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "sexLocations", pref_label: "sex locations", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["locations for sex"], alt_labels_language: ["locations for sex"], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: 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[], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1620, pid: "homosaurus/terms/sexualPractices", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "sexualPractices", pref_label: "sexual practices", pref_label_language: nil, description: "physical sexual activities", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", 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[""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1625, pid: "homosaurus/terms/sexualRoles", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "sexualRoles", pref_label: "sexual roles", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, 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"2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1629, pid: "homosaurus/terms/sexuallyAbusedChildren", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "sexuallyAbusedChildren", pref_label: "sexually abused children", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], 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00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1641, pid: "homosaurus/terms/singleParentFamilies", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "singleParentFamilies", pref_label: "single parent families", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["one-parent families"], alt_labels_language: ["one-parent families"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], 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["sista girls"], alt_labels_language: ["sista girls"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1646, pid: "homosaurus/terms/sisters", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "sisters", pref_label: "sisters", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1647, pid: "homosaurus/terms/situationalSexualBehavior", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "situationalSexualBehavior", pref_label: "situational sexual behavior", pref_label_language: nil, description: "sexual behavior of a kind that is different from t...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["situational homosexuality"], alt_labels_language: ["situational homosexuality"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1648, pid: 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["social services"], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1659, pid: "homosaurus/terms/socialClasses", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "socialClasses", pref_label: "social classes", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], 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"homosaurus/terms/socialControl", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "socialControl", pref_label: "social control", pref_label_language: nil, description: "societal and political mechanisms or processes tha...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1662, pid: "homosaurus/terms/socialDemocracy", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "socialDemocracy", pref_label: "social democracy", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: 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"marginalization"], alt_labels_language: ["marginalisation", "marginalization"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1664, pid: "homosaurus/terms/socialIntegration", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "socialIntegration", pref_label: "social integration", pref_label_language: nil, description: "movement of minority groups into the mainstream of...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["integration"], alt_labels_language: ["integration"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], 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id: 1666, pid: "homosaurus/terms/socialMedia", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "socialMedia", pref_label: "social media", pref_label_language: nil, description: "web-based and mobile technologies used to turn com...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1667, pid: "homosaurus/terms/socialMovements", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "socialMovements", pref_label: "social movements", pref_label_language: nil, 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00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1669, pid: "homosaurus/terms/socialNetworks", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "socialNetworks", pref_label: "social networks", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["circle of friends"], alt_labels_language: ["circle of friends"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], 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contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1672, pid: "homosaurus/terms/socialProcesses", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "socialProcesses", pref_label: "social processes", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1673, pid: "homosaurus/terms/socialSecurityRegulations", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "socialSecurityRegulations", pref_label: 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"2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["social service agencies"], alt_labels_language: ["social service agencies"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1675, pid: "homosaurus/terms/socialWork", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "socialWork", pref_label: "social work", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], 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["", "", "", ""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1685, pid: "homosaurus/terms/sociologists", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "sociologists", pref_label: "sociologists", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1686, pid: "homosaurus/terms/sociology", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "sociology", pref_label: "sociology", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1687, pid: "homosaurus/terms/sodomy", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "sodomy", pref_label: "sodomy", pref_label_language: nil, description: "historical term for \"unnatural\" sexual acts; besid...", visibility: "visible", 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[""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1689, pid: "homosaurus/terms/softDrugs", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "softDrugs", pref_label: "soft drugs", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1690, pid: "homosaurus/terms/softball", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "softball", pref_label: "softball", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1691, pid: "homosaurus/terms/soldiers", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "soldiers", pref_label: "soldiers", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-29 00:00:00", 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"2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1712, pid: "homosaurus/terms/statistics", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "statistics", pref_label: "statistics", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: 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id: 1714, pid: "homosaurus/terms/stealth", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "stealth", pref_label: "stealth", pref_label_language: nil, description: "remaining private about gender assigned at birth; ...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1715, pid: "homosaurus/terms/stepFamilies", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "stepFamilies", pref_label: "step families", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, 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contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1718, pid: "homosaurus/terms/stigmatisation", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "stigmatisation", pref_label: "stigmatisation", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["stigmatization"], alt_labels_language: ["stigmatization"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1719, pid: "homosaurus/terms/stonewallRiots", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "stonewallRiots", pref_label: "stonewall riots", pref_label_language: nil, description: "series of 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contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1742, pid: "homosaurus/terms/swimmingPools", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "swimmingPools", pref_label: "swimming pools", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1743, pid: "homosaurus/terms/swimwear", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "swimwear", pref_label: "swimwear", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1744, pid: "homosaurus/terms/symbiosis", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "symbiosis", pref_label: "symbiosis", pref_label_language: nil, description: "dyadic fusion, bringing on a psychological state i...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], 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"2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1797, pid: "homosaurus/terms/trade", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "trade", pref_label: "trade", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["commerce"], alt_labels_language: ["commerce"], broader: [], narrower: [""], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], 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"terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1825, pid: "homosaurus/terms/transgenderYouth", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "transgenderYouth", pref_label: "transgender youth", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1826, pid: "homosaurus/terms/transgenderism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "transgenderism", pref_label: "transgenderism", 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00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["transportation companies", "transportation industry"], alt_labels_language: ["transportation companies", "transportation industry"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1832, pid: "homosaurus/terms/transportationOccupations", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "transportationOccupations", pref_label: "transportation occupations", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["transportation-related 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history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1835, pid: "homosaurus/terms/travel", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "travel", pref_label: "travel", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [""], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1836, pid: "homosaurus/terms/travelAgencies", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "travelAgencies", pref_label: "travel agencies", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: 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vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1839, pid: "homosaurus/terms/trends", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "trends", pref_label: "trends", pref_label_language: nil, description: "form of behaviour that develops among a large popu...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1840, pid: "homosaurus/terms/tribadism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "tribadism", pref_label: "tribadism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "lesbian sexuality; only in historical context", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["scissoring", "humping"], alt_labels_language: ["scissoring", "humping"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1841, pid: "homosaurus/terms/trichomonas", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "trichomonas", pref_label: "trichomonas", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", 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"niizh manidoowag", "berdaches"], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1847, pid: "homosaurus/terms/typologies", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "typologies", pref_label: "typologies", pref_label_language: nil, description: "arrangements of classifications of the salient fea...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], 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description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1850, pid: "homosaurus/terms/unemployment", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "unemployment", pref_label: "unemployment", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1851, pid: "homosaurus/terms/unemploymentInsurance", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "unemploymentInsurance", pref_label: "unemployment insurance", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["unemployment benefits"], alt_labels_language: ["unemployment benefits"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], 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00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["child rearing"], alt_labels_language: ["child rearing"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1859, pid: "homosaurus/terms/upperClass", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "upperClass", pref_label: "upper class", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], 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"homosaurus/terms/utopias", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "utopias", pref_label: "utopias", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1862, pid: "homosaurus/terms/vaccination", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "vaccination", pref_label: "vaccination", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["inoculation"], alt_labels_language: ["inoculation"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1863, pid: "homosaurus/terms/vaginalPhotoplethysmograph", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "vaginalPhotoplethysmograph", pref_label: "vaginal photoplethysmograph", pref_label_language: nil, description: "measurement of vaginal blood flow to measure femal...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["vaginal response measurement"], 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vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1865, pid: "homosaurus/terms/vaginas", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "vaginas", pref_label: "vaginas", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", ""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1866, pid: "homosaurus/terms/vaginismus", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "vaginismus", pref_label: "vaginismus", pref_label_language: nil, description: "vaginal tightness causing discomfort, pain, and pe...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["vaginism"], alt_labels_language: ["vaginism"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1867, pid: "homosaurus/terms/vampirism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "vampirism", pref_label: "vampirism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], 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"2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["verbal harassment"], alt_labels_language: ["verbal harassment"], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1872, pid: "homosaurus/terms/veterans", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "veterans", pref_label: "veterans", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["ex-military personnel"], alt_labels_language: ["ex-military personnel"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1873, pid: "homosaurus/terms/vibrators", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "vibrators", pref_label: "vibrators", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1874, pid: "homosaurus/terms/vicars", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "vicars", pref_label: "vicars", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1875, pid: "homosaurus/terms/viceSquad", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "viceSquad", pref_label: "vice squad", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", 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#<Term id: 1878, pid: "homosaurus/terms/victimsOfCrime", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "victimsOfCrime", pref_label: "victims of crime", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["crime victims"], alt_labels_language: ["crime victims"], broader: [""], narrower: ["", ""], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1879, pid: "homosaurus/terms/victimsOfHateCrimes", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "victimsOfHateCrimes", pref_label: "victims of hate crimes", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["hate crime victims"], alt_labels_language: ["hate crime victims"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1880, pid: "homosaurus/terms/victimsOfSexualAbuse", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "victimsOfSexualAbuse", pref_label: "victims of sexual abuse", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["sexual abuse victims", "victims of sex crimes", "sexual violence victims"], alt_labels_language: ["sexual abuse victims", "victims of sex crimes", "sexual violence victims"], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", ""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1881, pid: "homosaurus/terms/victimsOfWar", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "victimsOfWar", pref_label: "victims of war", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["war victims"], alt_labels_language: ["war victims"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], 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id: 1883, pid: "homosaurus/terms/videoOnDemand", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "videoOnDemand", pref_label: "video on demand", pref_label_language: nil, description: "systems which allow users to select and watch/list...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1884, pid: "homosaurus/terms/videoSharingWebsites", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "videoSharingWebsites", pref_label: "video sharing websites", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", 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1887, pid: "homosaurus/terms/violence", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "violence", pref_label: "violence", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1888, pid: "homosaurus/terms/virginity", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "virginity", pref_label: "virginity", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1889, pid: "homosaurus/terms/visibility", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "visibility", pref_label: "visibility", pref_label_language: nil, description: "of marginalised groups in society", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], 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[], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1891, pid: "homosaurus/terms/visualArts", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "visualArts", pref_label: "visual arts", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1892, pid: "homosaurus/terms/visualDisabilities", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "visualDisabilities", pref_label: "visual disabilities", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", 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alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1894, pid: "homosaurus/terms/vogueing", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "vogueing", pref_label: "vogueing", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1895, pid: "homosaurus/terms/voiceTherapy", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "voiceTherapy", pref_label: "voice therapy", pref_label_language: nil, description: "any non-surgical technique used to make the human ...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1896, pid: "homosaurus/terms/volleyball", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "volleyball", pref_label: "volleyball", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1897, pid: "homosaurus/terms/voluntaryExile", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "voluntaryExile", pref_label: "voluntary exile", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1898, pid: "homosaurus/terms/volunteering", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "volunteering", pref_label: "volunteering", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["volunteer work", "volunteerism"], alt_labels_language: ["volunteer work", "volunteerism"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], 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"wacking off"], alt_labels_language: ["jerking off", "wacking off"], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1906, pid: "homosaurus/terms/waria", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "waria", pref_label: "waria", pref_label_language: nil, description: "community of gender variant people in Indonesia de...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], 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sports", pref_label_language: nil, description: "sexual activity involving urine; DO NOT USE for aq...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["urolagnia", "pissing sex", "golden showers", "undinism"], alt_labels_language: ["urolagnia", "pissing sex", "golden showers", "undinism"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1909, pid: "homosaurus/terms/webFilteringSoftware", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "webFilteringSoftware", pref_label: "web filtering software", pref_label_language: nil, description: "software designed and optimised for controlling wh...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1910, pid: "homosaurus/terms/webcams", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "webcams", pref_label: "webcams", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["webcameras"], alt_labels_language: ["webcameras"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1911, pid: "homosaurus/terms/webcasts", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "webcasts", pref_label: "webcasts", pref_label_language: nil, description: "media presentation distributed over the internet u...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1912, pid: "homosaurus/terms/websites", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "websites", pref_label: "websites", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", ""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1913, pid: "homosaurus/terms/weddings", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "weddings", pref_label: "weddings", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1914, pid: "homosaurus/terms/welfareBenefits", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "welfareBenefits", pref_label: "welfare benefits", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["social benefits"], alt_labels_language: ["social benefits"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1915, pid: "homosaurus/terms/westernCultures", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "westernCultures", pref_label: "western cultures", pref_label_language: nil, description: "white, dominant culture spread around the world fr...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["western civilisation", "western civilization"], alt_labels_language: ["western civilisation", "western civilization"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1916, pid: "homosaurus/terms/whistleblowers", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "whistleblowers", pref_label: "whistleblowers", pref_label_language: nil, description: "persons who tells the public or someone in authori...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1917, pid: "homosaurus/terms/whitePeople", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "whitePeople", pref_label: "white people", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["caucasians"], alt_labels_language: ["caucasians"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1918, pid: "homosaurus/terms/widowedPeople", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "widowedPeople", pref_label: "widowed people", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["widowers", "widows"], alt_labels_language: ["widowers", "widows"], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1919, pid: "homosaurus/terms/wikis", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "wikis", pref_label: "wikis", pref_label_language: nil, description: "websites whose users can add, modify, or delete it...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1920, pid: "homosaurus/terms/wills", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "wills", pref_label: "wills", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["testaments"], alt_labels_language: ["testaments"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1921, pid: "homosaurus/terms/winterSports", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "winterSports", pref_label: "winter sports", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1922, pid: "homosaurus/terms/winti", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "winti", pref_label: "winti", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Afro-Surinamese traditional religion", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1923, pid: "homosaurus/terms/witchcraft", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "witchcraft", pref_label: "witchcraft", pref_label_language: nil, description: "the alleged use of supernatural or magical powers", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1924, pid: "homosaurus/terms/witches", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "witches", pref_label: "witches", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1925, pid: "homosaurus/terms/women", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "women", pref_label: "women", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["womyn", "wimmin"], alt_labels_language: ["womyn", "wimmin"], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1926, pid: "homosaurus/terms/womenInTraditionallyMale-dominate...", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "womenInTraditionallyMale-dominatedOccupations", pref_label: "women in traditionally male-dominated occupations", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["women in male professions", "women in men's jobs"], alt_labels_language: ["women in male professions", "women in men's jobs"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1927, pid: "homosaurus/terms/womenWhoHaveSexWithWomen", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "womenWhoHaveSexWithWomen", pref_label: "women who have sex with women", pref_label_language: nil, description: "female persons who engage in sexual activity with ...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["wsw"], alt_labels_language: ["wsw"], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1928, pid: "homosaurus/terms/womensArchives", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "womensArchives", pref_label: "women's archives", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1929, pid: "homosaurus/terms/womensBars", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "womensBars", pref_label: "women's bars", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1930, pid: "homosaurus/terms/womensBookshops", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "womensBookshops", pref_label: "women's bookshops", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1931, pid: "homosaurus/terms/womensCommunityCentres", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "womensCommunityCentres", pref_label: "women's community centres", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1932, pid: "homosaurus/terms/womensFriendships", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "womensFriendships", pref_label: "women's friendships", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["female friendships"], alt_labels_language: ["female friendships"], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1933, pid: "homosaurus/terms/womensInformationCentres", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "womensInformationCentres", pref_label: "women's information centres", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["women's documentation centres"], alt_labels_language: ["women's documentation centres"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1934, pid: "homosaurus/terms/womensLibraries", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "womensLibraries", pref_label: "women's libraries", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1935, pid: "homosaurus/terms/womensMarriages", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "womensMarriages", pref_label: "women's marriages", pref_label_language: nil, description: "same gender marriage tradition Between two women i...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1936, pid: "homosaurus/terms/womensMovement", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "womensMovement", pref_label: "women's movement", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["feminist movement"], alt_labels_language: ["feminist movement"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1937, pid: "homosaurus/terms/womensMusic", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "womensMusic", pref_label: "women's music", pref_label_language: nil, description: "music by, for, and about women, particularly lesbi...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["wimmin's music", "womyn's music", "lesbian music", "women-identified music"], alt_labels_language: ["wimmin's music", "womyn's music", "lesbian music", "women-identified music"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1938, pid: "homosaurus/terms/womensMusicFestivals", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "womensMusicFestivals", pref_label: "women's music festivals", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1939, pid: "homosaurus/terms/womensOrganisations", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "womensOrganisations", pref_label: "women's organisations", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["women's organizations"], alt_labels_language: ["women's organizations"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1940, pid: "homosaurus/terms/womensPress", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "womensPress", pref_label: "women's press", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1941, pid: "homosaurus/terms/womensPublishers", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "womensPublishers", pref_label: "women's publishers", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1942, pid: "homosaurus/terms/womensStudies", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "womensStudies", pref_label: "women's studies", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1943, pid: "homosaurus/terms/woods", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "woods", pref_label: "woods", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1944, pid: "homosaurus/terms/workEthic", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "workEthic", pref_label: "work ethic", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1945, pid: "homosaurus/terms/workSituation", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "workSituation", pref_label: "work situation", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1946, pid: "homosaurus/terms/workingClass", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "workingClass", pref_label: "working class", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1947, pid: "homosaurus/terms/workshops", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "workshops", pref_label: "workshops", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1948, pid: "homosaurus/terms/worldWarI", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "worldWarI", pref_label: "world war I", pref_label_language: nil, description: "1914-1918", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["first world war"], alt_labels_language: ["first world war"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1949, pid: "homosaurus/terms/worldWarII", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "worldWarII", pref_label: "world war II", pref_label_language: nil, description: "1939-1945", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["second world war"], alt_labels_language: ["second world war"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1950, pid: "homosaurus/terms/wrestling", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "wrestling", pref_label: "wrestling", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1951, pid: "homosaurus/terms/writers", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "writers", pref_label: "writers", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["authors"], alt_labels_language: ["authors"], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1952, pid: "homosaurus/terms/xenophobia", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "xenophobia", pref_label: "xenophobia", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["zenophobia"], alt_labels_language: ["zenophobia"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1953, pid: "homosaurus/terms/yoga", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "yoga", pref_label: "yoga", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1954, pid: "homosaurus/terms/youth", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "youth", pref_label: "youth", pref_label_language: nil, description: "from 13 to 25 years of age", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["teenagers", "adolescents", "pubescents", "young people"], alt_labels_language: ["teenagers", "adolescents", "pubescents", "young people"], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1955, pid: "homosaurus/terms/youthCare", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "youthCare", pref_label: "youth care", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1956, pid: "homosaurus/terms/youthCentres", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "youthCentres", pref_label: "youth centres", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1957, pid: "homosaurus/terms/youthCulture", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "youthCulture", pref_label: "youth culture", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1958, pid: "homosaurus/terms/youthForChrist", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "youthForChrist", pref_label: "youth for christ", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1959, pid: "homosaurus/terms/youthHostels", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "youthHostels", pref_label: "youth hostels", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1960, pid: "homosaurus/terms/youthLiterature", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "youthLiterature", pref_label: "youth literature", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["young adult literature", "children's books"], alt_labels_language: ["young adult literature", "children's books"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1961, pid: "homosaurus/terms/youthMagazines", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "youthMagazines", pref_label: "youth magazines", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1962, pid: "homosaurus/terms/youthOrganisations", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "youthOrganisations", pref_label: "youth organisations", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["youth organizations"], alt_labels_language: ["youth organizations"], broader: [""], narrower: ["", ""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1963, pid: "homosaurus/terms/youthServices", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "youthServices", pref_label: "youth services", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1964, pid: "homosaurus/terms/youthTheatre", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "youthTheatre", pref_label: "youth theatre", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["young people's theatre"], alt_labels_language: ["young people's theatre"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1965, pid: "homosaurus/terms/zines", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "zines", pref_label: "zines", pref_label_language: nil, description: "a small circulation publication usually reproduced...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1966, pid: "homosaurus/terms/zionism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "zionism", pref_label: "zionism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1967, pid: "homosaurus/terms/zoningPlans", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "zoningPlans", pref_label: "zoning plans", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["districting plans"], alt_labels_language: ["districting plans"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1968, pid: "homosaurus/terms/zoophilia", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "zoophilia", pref_label: "zoophilia", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-11-30 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["bestiality"], alt_labels_language: ["bestiality"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1969, pid: "homosaurus/terms/dictatorships", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "dictatorships", pref_label: "dictatorships", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: nil, replaces: nil, created_at: "2015-12-03 00:00:00", updated_at: "2015-12-03 00:00:00", manual_update_date: "2015-12-03 00:00:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["absolutism"], alt_labels_language: ["absolutism"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "terms", vocabulary_id: 1, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>]
The redirect will occur in this version.